Chapter nineteen | falling in love

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I got changed over at my house while the food cooked and after the little scene me and Jackson had. I won't go into detail but let's just say it was very enjoyable.


I put on flared jeans and a crop top that is red laced and is adorable. I went shopping a couple days ago with Maria and she showed me the ways of fashion.

I am very happy with my outfit style now.

Anyway, mum, dad and Harry just arrived over and all of us kids are in the sitting room watching Harry and Macy battle it out in plants v zombies on Harry's iPad.

It is hectic, but fun.

I think Lacy is the complete opposite of them and more like me. She loves books and Taylor swift which is awesome. She got it all from me and possibly her brother.

I heard him playing 'Shake it off' in the car a couple weeks ago when he picked me up. It was like my eyes were filled with pure lust when I heard him listening to it.

Jackson has his arm around me and I'm leaning against him, "I like your shirt, Paigy." He whispers.

I blush, i knew it was his favourite colour so I had to.

"My favourite colour, how'd you know?" He made a puppy dog face and I smiled brightly.

I shrugged. "Oh stop flirting you two love birds." Lacy comments making a gagging noise.

Me and Jackson look at each other, then at her and back at each other. We start laughing, this is hilarious.

"How do you know what flirting is, little miss perfect?" Jackson throws a pillow at her but she dodges perfectly.

She shrugs just like I did, "I am nine you know? My birthday was like the day before you went away?" She says with a hint of attitude.

"Wow, isn't Harry nine too, Paige?" He looks over to me and nudges me. I laugh. "He sure is, Jacky."

We both look over to see Lacy plastered with a red face and Harry still too busy playing plants v zombies with Macy to notice.

Oh my gosh, Lacy likes Harry?

I make wide eyes to Jackson and he does the same.

He jumps up and starts doing a little dance and what else am i suppose to do?

I join him and we're ballroom dancing around the room.

Any memory of this from before Paige?

We're laughing and Lacy joins in. At least she finds it funny too. I get dipped by Jackson and a light peck on my lips because we are in a room filled with nine year olds.

"Get a room!"
"Yuck! I'm going to be sick."

All three comments came from all three nine year olds in the room.

Me and Jacky just laugh it off and scuffle their hair.

I love little kids, they are funny.

"Paige! Dinner looks cooked, come serve it!" I hear mom calling me so I excuse myself and go to the kitchen.

We are all sitting around the table now, the food in the middle.

I'm sitting beside Jackson and there's a free seat beside me, the kids are at the ends and the parents are across from us.

"Wow this looks fantastic Paige, well done." Dad says already tucking into the pie.

Everyone else followings behind him quickly, taking food from each plate in the middle.

After every piece of food on the table is demolished the questions start, of course.

Why am I nervous.

I bounce my knee up and down under the table waiting in anticipation.

"So any colleges you have your eye on, Paige?" Jay asks me leaving his fork down.

Suddenly a hands on my thigh stopping it from bouncing.

The temperature just went up a lot.

I look over to see Jackson holding my leg softly, "you've got this." He whispers.

I smile back at him.

"I haven't really gotten time to look but I'd really like to do journalism and I think there is a 3 year course in Boston," I smile.

"Oh I went to Boston and it was fantastic, a lovely campus," he smiles back at me.

"What about you, Jackson?" My mum asks him.

He takes no time to answer, "well actually I've been travelling, as you know and Boston has an amazing football team that I'd fit right into,"

We never really talked about what colleges we were going to go to and what we would do, breakup or go together.

but I know we will work through It because we are Paige and Jackson, the kids who had fallen for each other at birth. 

"So how's school going, Harry?" Natalie asks, "it's going great!" He replies politely.

Good young man.

Jackson's slowly creeping his hand up my thigh and by lord.

I look over to see his eyes already on me, his deep blue eyes taking all of me in.

I look back at him trailing my eyes up and down.

This is a fun game.

I look back at the table trying to forget where Jackson's hand is. Even though it's merely impossible. 

Those deep blue eyes, oh my god.

I swear I've gotten lost in them like forty times since he's come home earlier on. 

"How's football going?" Dad questions Jackson. 

Jackson squeezes my thigh, let's go and continues to talk, "Amazing, I love it a lot. I'm looking forward to doing it in college and maybe even get the opportunity to do it professionally." 

Dad nods at him, "I wish I got the chance to do that when I was your age, I bet it's a surreal feeling being top of the top," he smiles at Jackson softly.

Jackson looks over at me and back at my father opposite him, "It truly is, and to get to spend it with the love of my life is phenomenal." Mum, Dad, Natalie, Jay and Macy all awe and pout their lips out. 

Harry and Lacy look at each other in disgust, they won't be the ones doing that when it's them.

I reach over and grab Jackson's hand and lean on his shoulder, smiling brightly. 

I'm in love with Jackson Harley. 

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