Chapter eleven | He's hot as fudge

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It has been a couple weeks since the football game. Maya is a complete mess and I can see she regrets cheating on Jackson. Hudson are her are not together.

It's her fault.

Jackson has been away visiting colleges across the Country. I'd say the break was well needed.

Me and Maria have become really close and we spend nearly everyday together. My parents absolutely adore her, It's great having a best friend that is basically my twin.

Calvin has stayed away from me, Sometimes he even gives me quick looks but all I see in his eyes are fear or something else I can't decipher. It scares me.

Today is the first of October and Jackson is coming back. Ive been spending a lot of time with his younger twin sisters, Macy and Lacy. They are the best.

I walk into school with Maria by my side. "Yeah, I think I'm a turtle person." I laugh at her. "I think I am too, who would pick a tortoise over a cute little turtle." We go to our lockers quickly.

Jackson walks in and the hall goes quiet. "Yo Jackson, welcome back!" I hear one of Jackson's football friends call out jogging to greet him.

It's great seeing him again, he grew his hair out a little and it's gorgeous, it definitely suits him. He looks over and we make eye contact. He gives me a wink.

He then walks over to us and Maria says quickly "well that's my queue, see you in class." And away she went.


His voice makes me melt, every time.

He greets me with a small hug rubbing his hand gently on my back. "It's great to see you again."

Tingles, I feel butterflies.

"Yeah, it feels like years since I last saw you." I say adjusting my glasses.

He chuckles watching my every move. "I heard- uh- you have been looking after Macy and Lacy for me. Thanks."

I look down and notice his hands suddenly fidgeting. I look back up after I see him putting his hands behind his back.

"They are adorable, and also have gotten so big."

We continue to talk about the colleges he's been offered a scholarship to and about what he has missed here. I catch him occasionally fidgeting with his hands and I can't help but wonder if he's okay.

"Jackson. What's wrong?" I ask softly. He stares at me in the eye and suddenly looks down. "Nothing, I'm fine." He fidgets with his hand.

I grab it gently. He stops and takes in a deep breath. "Jackson, tell me." I encourage him.

"I just, I don't know I feel nervous around you." He smiles softly looking directly in my eyes a hint of pink on his cheeks.

What. The. F-

I cant seem to get my next words out and all that comes out of my mouth is a Uawgeha. He looks at me confused. He coughs a little.

"Cool, coolooooo" I let go of his hands struggling as touching him gives me butterflies.

"Jackson?" I hear a girl voice call out from behind me. I turn around to see Maya standing there.

Oh god.

I hear Jackson sigh, "What do you want Maya?"

Her hair is all messy, it looks like it hasn't been brushed in years and she's wearing grey sweatpants and a hoodie.

She looks down. "Can we talk?"

He looks at me with sorrow in his eyes. He nods and says his goodbyes to me.

"Soooo, how did it go?" Maria asks me while I sit down in my seat. I roll my eyes sarcastically. "Fine, he's happy to be home again." She sighs. "That's all?" 

"Well Maya asked him to talk during our conversation."

She mouths 'o' and gives me a sad look.

The boring teacher walks in followed quickly by Jackson and that boy who was in the hall. He is very very tall, Around 6'4 I'd say. He's very handsome. Not as handsome as the boy beside him though. He has dark skin that matches his brown eyes. I think his name is...?

"Marcus Kellard is hot." I burst out laughing at the girl next to me eyeing him up. "What did you just say?" I ask covering my mouth. "He's hot as fudge." I see her literally melting in the seat next to me.

I'm not going to lie the two of them would make an adorable couple. She's around 5'9 so the height difference would be perfect. Her short-ish hair and cute glasses would be deadly next to him.

They both walk over and sit behind us. Great. The teacher sets up his things and i turn to Maria who's trying really hard not to blush "Oh my god, you have a thing for.." I point behind us mouthing the words 'Marcus'. She leans over and slaps my arm.

Ow. I rub my arm and continue wincing, She scoffs loudly. "At least my thing hasn't been going on for what? 12 years?" She sniggers at her own comment.

"What's so funny?" The deep voice Maria dreams about says intriguingly. Maria goes bright red.

"Nothing much, just talking about this thing she has for a guy who's like super tall." Marias eyes widen and then she gives me a very long death stare. "Oooh, who's this tall boy?"

Ugh that voice. I want to hear it every second of my day.

"Jackson, shush. It's no one. okay?" Maria calls out huffing while her cheeks are a bright pink colour.

I side eye Jackson whispering "hmm, no one my butt."

He gives me a big smile that reaches his deep blue eyes but it is quickly covered by something unknown.

"Nice cheeks, pink suits you." Marcus says now looking at Maria swallowing the lump that formed in her throat.

He turns away and starts a new conversation with Jackson about football or something.

I widen my eyes at Maria who's actually red. She looks so happy and I can't help but feel happy for her. He definitely has a thing for her too!

Who do you have a thing for Paige? Jacky? I think so. Hmm shut up right now.

It is lunch and Maria and I are sitting at our usual spot. Maria will not stop going on about Marcus. "Is the height difference nice?" She looks at me for support. I nod while chewing on my bread. "I need more than a nod, Paige." She scoffs.

I internally sigh loudly. "Yes, M. the height difference is lovely." She smiles brightly and bites into her apple. She looks away from me, her eyes scanning the cafeteria, her gaze stops at a table. "His eyes are so pretty." She drops her head onto her hand.

Girl? "Just ask him out already." I look over at their table too. "No way, never in a million dreams."

"Why not?"

"Afraid of rejection I guess, if he says no I'll be heart broken. So I might as well just make up scenarios in my head." She replies sighing shortly after.

"Would you not feel better knowing if he feels the same about you?" She deserves an answer.

She shrugs. "Maybe you're right."

"Why don't you ask Jackson out?" She slowly faces me while stating this. "I cant, he's still going through a break up. It wouldn't be right for me to do that to him."

She nods understanding where I'm coming from.

Just as we are about to pack up our things to go Jackson walks over along with Marcus. "Hey you two, we have tickets to the skating rink and we were wondering if you wanted to join us?"

I look over at Maria who's beaming. She nods excitingly. "Yes, we'd love to."

"Amazing, we can pick you guys up at..7?" Marcus asks looking at Maria with what seems like happiness in his brown eyes.


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