Chapter fourteen | I promise

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Paige and I just went our separate ways and now I'm silently making my way upstairs. Today was amazing.

I got this tingly feeling all over my body when Paige's hand touched mine. A word to describe it would be..magical-

Okay that sounds a bit weird.

I open my bedroom door softly and plop on the bed. I take a glance at my clock and the time is..11:23.

I smile to myself letting the memories of today enter my head. I hope Maria and Marcus get together, they'd make a great couple.

Now that me and Maya are broken up it feels like a huge weight has lifted off my shoulders and that I'm finally free.

I look out my window to see Paige lying in her bed laughing at her phone. She's so adorable.

Her smile is what makes my day better.

I get up to close my curtains. She looks over and I give her a soft wave before closing them.

I stumble back into bed not even bothering to change. I am too tired for this.

I close my eyes...


What the-

Who could be texting me at this time of the night?

I lift my phone up grunting and check my messages.

Football team group chat-

I grunt. I don't like going to parties but I am the captain and if I don't go I'll make a show of myself.

I screenshot the text.

To- Paigy <3
What do you say? Me, you and a party ;)

What am I doing. I go to erase the text but I accidentally click send.


What is wrong with me!!!

Oh my gosh. She's typing. Kill me now. My life has to be over.

Paigy <3
Hmmm. Seems like it could be fun. Sure let's go for it! I'll text Maria about it too! Let Marcus know I'm sure if Maria is going he'd go for sure🍾

Oh my god. Did she just say yes? I jump up a little in excitement. This is going to be fun apart from the actual party. Football team parties consist of two things.

1. Drunk people.
2. A lot of make-out sessions and groping.

I don't drink but I do love myself a good old make-out session.

Im joking.


I silence my phone and put it down on my bed side table. I let the darkness take over and fall into a deep slumber.

Beep. Buzz.

I groan as I lean over to my alarm clock. As if someone moved it away from where it was last night I can't get a grip on it and I fall out of bed.

Wow today is already so great.

I get up slowly rubbing my eyes.

"Rise and shine Mr." I stop. I look up and I'm greeted by someone I least expected to be in my bedroom at...6:15 in the morning.

"What are you doing here?" I question lifting a shirt off the ground and throwing it over my naked torso.

I took my shirt off in the middle of the night, it was warm.

"I'm here to make breakfast for the girls. You're mom texted to say you'd be up late."

I nod still half asleep. "Pancakes are downstairs if you'd like some." She comments walking out of the door.

"Where is my mother anyways, Paige?" I shout as I hear her going down the stairs.

"She said she had errands to run while she had the car."

"Okay." I shout.

Breakfast was so good. It literally tasted like restaurant food.

"Wow thanks Paige. That was delicious." Macy says while placing her dish in the sink. Lacy follows her. "You're cooking is way better then Jackson's. Come over and cook for us more often, pretty please." She pleads.

Paige giggles and I twirl my fork in my hand staring at her. Her features amaze me. Her cute little dimples and the way her cheeks light up with colour at any compliment she gets.

"What?" She questions.

"Nothing." I get up and wash the dishes really quickly.

"Alright girls, have an amazing day." I grip the steering wheel while leaning back to help Macy open her door. "Thanks jacky. Bye!"

"Bye girls, see you later!" Paige calls out from beside me.

Yes she did indeed want to come for the school run too. Of course.

"To school we go then?" She smiles at me and I feel very warm.

Wow did someone put on the heater?

I laugh nervously. "Yeah let's get going. Don't want you to be late to english first thing." I mention.

"Oh, english first..." she sighs.

"Whats wrong? I thought that was your favourite class?"

"It was... it's just that..." she stops and I see worry in her eyes.

"It's nothing, don't worry about it." She looks out the window.

"No Paige, Tell me. It's better to get it out then to bottle it up all day." I place my hand on her shoulder gently as support.

"Calvins in the class." She shivers at the mention of his name. Even from her own mouth.

I internally sigh.

He is such a player. I am going to make him regret what he did to her.

"Okay Paige, I'm going to tell you this once okay?"

She looks at me and instantly nods.

"Calvin will not be coming near you anytime soon because I told him to stay away from you or else I would break every bone in his tiny little body and I would enjoy it too."

She gasps. "Why- why would you say that?" She puts her hand over her mouth.

"Because I don't want anyone hurting you Paige. No one. I promise you I will not let anything happen to you."

"You pinky promise?"

I pull out my pinky finger. She takes out hers.

We connect them. "I promise."

Deep Blue EyesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora