Chapter 4

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Did I hear her right? She wants to stay? Why on earth would a human want to stay with a pack of werewolves?

“Why on earth would you want to stay with a pack of werewolves?” Jon asks and I flit my gaze to him.

It’s weird how in sync we are.

Leah fidgets a little bit in her seat and avoids eye contact with us, making me think she's embarrassed of her answer.

“Don’t you have family you want to get back to? Friends?” I ask gently, even though my mind is balking at the thought of her staying here. She just shrugs in response.

“I was raised in foster care. I’ve been on my own since I was eighteen. I had just moved to where I was living, I had just started a new job, so I didn’t really have any friends. I’m guessing that’s how he found me. I should have stayed where I was.” That last part she more so murmured to herself. I sigh a little and run my fingers through my hair. The poor girl was well and truly alone. It’s unfortunate she got such a crappy mate; he could have made her life so much better. I refocus my eyes on her, scrutinizing her subtle movements.

“Well, that doesn’t really explain why you’d want to stay with us, little one.” I say softly and her eyes get all big and pleading. She looks adorable and my heart clenches in my chest.

“I never thought I would, but seeing your pack, the way you all interact with each other it’s… like a family.” She says sadly. “Like the family I never got to have.” She says, her sad eyes studying what must be a particularly interesting spot on the floor. I sigh again and Jon looks over at me with a gloomy expression.

She has him wrapped around her little finger.

“Leah, having a human pack member isn’t really something that’s done. At least one that’s not mated to a wolf. I don’t know how that would even work.” I say honestly and the sad look in her eyes nearly breaks me.

This girl is too cute for her own good.

“Well, what would happen if a human is mated to a wolf, and then the wolf dies but the human hasn’t lived out their lifespan yet? Would you just kick them out of the pack?” She challenges, her face heating up in defiance. I ponder her question. I suppose it would be unfair to ask the human to leave, after they had spent time as a pack member.

‘Come on, Alpha. Give her a chance.’ Jon mind-links me and I give him a subtle nod.

“Ok. If you want to stay, we can give it a… trial run of sorts.” I say and Leah’s face lights up.

“Really?” She asks, bouncing in her seat. The sight makes me chuckle and I nod.

“Yes. I’m sure we can find something for you to do around the pack to help out. You can keep the room you’re in and Penny can help you get some clothes and other things you need.” I say and she squeals with excitement before launching herself at Jon, giving him a hug. She then rounds my desk and flings her arms around my neck, squeezing tightly before pecking my cheek, surprising the hell out of me.

“You won’t regret it, I swear.” She says before her eyes move to my computer.

“Good lord, Alex. I know you’re old, but that doesn’t mean you have to use tech from the stone age.” She says as her brows furrow and she taps my keyboard with an annoyed expression pinching her otherwise cute face. Jon laughs at her comment and I narrow my eyes at him.

“Well, keeping our computers in good shape can be part of your responsibilities.” I say and she nods enthusiastically. “We don’t have much use for them so there aren’t very many so it’s not really a full-time job.” I explain and she continues to nod.

“I’m sure Penny can help me find things to do.” She says with a shrug and I am proud of her willingness to chip in. She’s unlike any other human I’ve interacted with.

“Alright then. Penny is on her way to get you and take you to the mall.” I say just as a knock resounds on my door and Penny slides in without being invited. I roll my eyes at her and she just sticks her tongue out at me.

“Come on, bestie! Let’s go!” She says excitedly, grabbing Leah by the arm and dragging her out the door. She looks back at Jon and I longingly before she mouths ‘pray for me’ making Jon and I chuckle as the door shuts behind her.

“Strange girl, that one.” Jon comments and I hum in agreement.

“Yes, but she seems sweet. I don’t think she’ll cause problems.” I say, waiting for my dinosaur of a computer to wake up.

Maybe Leah has a point.

Jon smirks at me from across the desk and I know I’m about to be annoyed with him.

“I like the effect she has on you.” He says with a shrug and I look at him confused.

“What effect?” I ask and he gives me a knowing look.

“You’ve laughed more this morning than I’ve heard you laugh in the last five years. She’s good for you.” He says and I think on what he’s said. He’s not wrong, the girl is entertaining.

“She’s just different. She’s not a wolf and doesn’t have a problem speaking her mind. It’s kind of nice, having someone around who’s not afraid to tell me how it is. Other than you, of course.” I say making him chuckle.

“She’s not bad to look at either.” He says waggling his eyebrows. I scoff at him, but don’t disagree. Joy and excitement look good on her.

“You have a mate out there somewhere, Jon. Don’t get into something else. That always causes a shitstorm when it implodes. Plus, after what she’s been through, I highly doubt she will have any interest in a romantic relationship with another wolf.” I say pointedly and he nods in agreement.

“Yeah, you’re right. Poor girl really drew the short end of the stick when it came to a mate. If she were mine, she’d be marked and happily mated by now. Multiple times.” He says with a smug smile and I just chuckle at his antics.

Boy thinks too highly of himself.

“Just leave her be. Let her settle in. We’ll give it a few weeks and see how she does and go from there. Understood?”

“Yes, Alpha.” He responds, smacking his knees with his hands before he pushes himself out of his chair.

“For what it’s worth,” He says as he pulls the door open. “I think you’re doing the right thing letting her stay.”

“You’re my Beta. It means a lot to me, what you think.” I respond and he nods before closing the door behind him.

I lean back in my chair and close my eyes, thinking over the strange turn of events. I’ve never heard of another alpha having a human pack member that wasn’t mated to wolf. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try. I decide not to advertise this piece of information with other packs, though. I don’t want them to think I’m going soft. After losing Julie, I had to prove I was still a formidable Alpha. I don’t want to go through that again.

I’ll need to explain it to the pack and try to bring her into our pack link. At least staying next to me I won’t worry so much about her safety. As my thoughts drift, I finally hear the little chime that means my computer is booted up and finally ready to use. I’m suddenly annoyed at how long it takes and mind link Penny.

‘Have Leah pick out a new computer for me. She’s right this thing is a dinosaur.’ I feel Penny’s amusement through the link.

‘Yes, Alpha.’ She responds, much too sarcastically for me to take that ‘alpha’ seriously. I can’t help but smile, imagining Leah running around a store excitedly, picking out a computer.

Jon’s right. She’s good for us. All of us.

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