Chapter 17

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My wolf and I were growing increasingly attached to Leah. I felt like we needed to start taking steps forward if we were serious about being choice mates, or there could be some unintended consequences. We were starting to have urges to mark her at the most inopportune times.

Like at breakfast.

I wasn't really sure how the whole progression of a 'normal' relationship would go in the human sense. We kissed, which was amazing, and we slept in the same bed at night. Sure, she's not really sick anymore, but she seems to enjoy the closeness as much as I do. What I really wanted was to do more of the kissing thing.

A lot more.

But how do humans go about that? Do you have to ask permission each time? How stressful.

I was pulled from my thoughts by Leah walking out of the bathroom. We were going to dinner soon and she had wanted to shower for some reason. As soon as she stepped into the room, her scent wafted to me. She always smells sweet, like cherries and vanilla, but today it was tinged with something else. Metallic and bitter.


I bounded off the bed over to her, turning her around and checking her body for injuries. I tucked my face into her neck and took another heavy breath.

Definitely blood.

"What are you doing?" She asks curiously, pushing me away a little.

"Where is it coming from?" I ask, starting to get frustrated. She seems perfectly fine. I lift her shirt a little to check her back and abdomen for wounds and she cocks a brow at me inquisitively.

"Where's what coming from?" She asks and I growl a little in annoyance.

"The blood, Leah! I can smell it on you." She gasps and pulls away from me, her face turning red with embarrassment.

"You can smell it?!" She screeches, tucking her face into her hands.

"Yes! Now tell me where it's coming from! Do I need to get the doctor?" I ask desperately and she laughs before shaking her head.

"No. I don't need a doctor. I'm fine. It's a... human thing." She says and my wolf and I calm a little at her words.

"What human thing?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"I really don't want to explain this to you. And I am staying locked in this room for the next few days if I'm going to get a million questions from everyone." She says and my mouth gapes in astonishment.

"You're going to bleed for days?! How can you survive that?" I ask incredulously and she shrugs.

"Women are bad ass." She answers nonchalantly and I shake my head in confusion.

"You're gonna need to give me more explanation than that." I say and she sighs.

"Do you remember when we went to the city together and I bought that package at the store?" She asks and I nod.

"You said you get a period." I say proudly being able to prove that I listened to her. She nods in approval and pats the bed next to her, requesting I sit with her.

"Yes. Ok, Alex. Prepare yourself. I'm about to tell you something horrific."


"And that is how humans make babies." She finished her disgusting explanation of a human female's reproductive process.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry you have to go through this every month." I tell her honestly and she nods with a grave expression on her face.

"Yes. And do you remember what I said is the only way to keep me alive during this time?" She asks seriously and I nod.

"Yes. Chocolate. I'll go get some. And you need to eat it everyday?" I ask and she nods.

"At least once a day. There are.... antioxidants in it that help replace the blood we lose." She explains and I nod before walking towards the door.

"Ok. I'll have the kitchen staff order some just for you. Are you hungry? You should probably eat up here, the pack will be concerned. The smell is growing stronger." I explain and she nods.

"Yes, please. Whatever's for dinner is fine." She says with a bright smile and I lean down to kiss her.

For the next few days Leah has limited contact with the pack and they all ask about her, concerned since she was just sick. I decide to send out a pack wide mind link explaining her scent is to do with a human thing and not to panic. When I tell her about it, she seems relieved that she can leave her room again. The smell begins to lessen the third day or so, so we meander around the pack.

Leah is well loved by the children, so we go to the daycare and school so they can see her. She loves to play in the snow, I'm realizing, and since we got her heated clothing she builds snowmen with the kids for hours.

I hate leaving her to do my Alpha duties. My wolf whines whenever she is out of our sight. Luckily she's understanding of my predicament and brings books and things to my office to keep herself occupied whenever she has a moment. She is enjoying teaching some different computer classes, not just at the high school but also to the older wolves who were too nervous about the technology to try to use it before.

I'm deep into contracts for some of the businesses in town when I look up at her with tired eyes. She's chewing on the end of a pen, grading some papers for her class on the tablet I bought her. Her brows are furrowed in concentration, and her little nose twitches when her hair brushes against it. The sight makes affection flood through me and I can't help but smile.

"Leah?" I ask, suddently wanting her attention. Her eyes pop up to me momentarily before going back to the screen.

"Yeah?" She asks distractedly. My wolf huffs at her small slight. He wants her affection and he wants it now.

"Come here." I say gently. She looks up at me again and studies me for a moment before a small smile creeps on her face. She rises gracefully from the couch and glides over to me, standing next to me.

"Yes?" She asks. She lets out a little squeal as I pull her onto my lap. Her arms go around my neck as I bury my face into her soft hair, breathing her in. She giggles at my action and kisses my cheek.

"Did you need something?" She asks, humor coloring her tone. I shake my head and purr as I dig my nose deeper into her neck. She laughs as my breath tickles her skin and pushes me away gently.

"I just wanted to hold you for a minute." I tell her and she rolls her eyes.

"And smell me?" She asks and I shrug.

"It's not my fault you smell so good." I say and she smiles.

She ducks her head down and presses her lips against mine. I groan at the contact and poke my tongue out to run along the seam of her lips. They open for me easily and I dive in to her mouth, tasting her, the light notes of cherry that make my mouth water. She tightens her hold on my neck, pulling me even closer to her. My hand rubs circles on her thigh as my other one settles at the small of her back, holding her close to my chest. I can't stop the rumble of enjoyment my wolf lets out at her affection. This is what he's been craving, to know the woman he's chosen wants us as well.

She pulls back much too soon and smiles at me before kissing the tip of my nose. I chuckle at her and pull her back into me, cocooning her in my arms. Having her here like this gives me a sense of peace, knowing she's in my arms and safe from the world. Well, as safe as she can be without my mark gracing her skin. This brings up something I've been wanting to ask her about.

"About our date." I say and she hums a little in response, letting me know she's listening.

"Now that you're healthy again and over your wretchedly unfair period, would you like to go to dinner with me?" I ask her nervously. I wonder for a second if she can hear how hard my heart is beating with her head resting on my chest as it is. She pops her face up and gives me a wide excited smile before leaning in and kissing me again. She pulls back and cups my cheek with one of her hands as her eyes meet mine.

"I'd love to go to dinner with you, Alex." She says, her eyes glowing with warm affection.

My wolf and I both melt at the sight.

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