Chapter 37

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"That can be arranged." Knox snarls with a devious smile. "I challenge you and your beta. Whoever is left standing, becomes Alpha of both packs." He says and I look over at his beta who looks horrified by what his Alpha has said. I hear the packhouse door slam shut and see Penny out of the corner of my eye.

"Penny! You're supposed to be with Leah!" I shout, but her eyes are wide and not focused on me.

"The doctor is with her. What's going on?" She asks, her eyes still planted elsewhere.

"We were stabbed in the back." I snarl and her eyes finally ping to me. Her mouths gapes as she walks towards me.

"How?" She asks.

"Knox has been conspiring against us from the beginning. He wanted to kill Leah and take our pack. He and his beta have challenged Jon and I. Fight to the death." I say and Penny shakes her head, walking passed me towards the mammoth of a beta.

"What's your name?" She asks his beta gently.

"Grant." The man says, his eyes locked on Penny.

"I'm Penelope. But everyone calls me Penny." She says with a shy smile. Grant smiles back and wraps his arms around her, pulling her close.

"What the fuck?" I ask and Penny looks at me.

"He's my mate." She says sadly and I groan at this development.

Because apparently shit isn't complicated enough as it is.

"Did you know of your Alpha's plans?" Penny asks and Grant shakes his head vehemently.

"I didn't. I swear." He says and Penny looks at me.

"He's telling the truth. There's no dishonesty in the bond." She says and I nod before she turns back to her mate.

"I won't go with you. I won't be a part of a pack that treats humans that way. It's wrong and I don't agree with it. You will need to choose. Your Alpha or your mate." She says firmly and I am shocked.

No one would ask a beta to choose against his Alpha.

Grant takes a deep breath and looks at Knox who is glaring daggers at his beta, before he looks back down at Penny. His eyes soften and he reaches his hand out to run it down Penny's cheek, rubbing his thumb along her bottom lip. It's incredibly intimate and I fight the urge to look away, only worried about how close Penny is to the enemy Alpha.

"I have been searching for you for years. There is nothing in this world I wanted more than my mate." Grant says softly and Penny smiles at him. I've never seen her smile that way, soft and loving. It's beautiful.

"What Knox did, it's wrong. I had no idea of his plans and he likely kept it that way because he knew I would try to stop him. I don't share his prejudice against humans. And the fact that he put our pack at risk? No. He's no Alpha of mine." Grant says firmly before turning to Knox and tucking Penny behind him protectively. She looks over at me and winks before wrapping her arm around Grant's enormous bicep.

I'll have to ask that guy what he eats later.

"Knox. I will not fight with you. I refuse and am hereby defecting from your pack." He says before turning to me for a moment, only lingering a second before refocusing his attention on his fuming former Alpha.

"Alpha Alex, I respectfully request asylum, and membership in your pack." Grant says loudly, the crowd watching stunned at this turn of events.

"Request granted." I say with a smug grin I can't keep off my face. Knox turns a gross shade of purple as he marinates in his rage.

"You worthless wolf. Betraying your Alpha for some pussy!" Knox yells and Grant and I both snarl at his disrespect. Grant begins to shake with rage, fur sprouting on his arm as he fights his shift. Penny runs her hands up and down his arms and I step in front of him.

"Stand down. I'll handle him." I demand. Grant nods and scoops Penny in his arms, taking a few steps back as I stare down Knox.

"Since you don't have a beta anymore, I guess it's just you and me." I say with a smile as fear flashes across his face.

It's not normal to include your beta in a challenge. The only reason Knox did it was because he knew he never stood a chance against me alone. He is clearly coming to that realization as dread and fear ripple across his ugly face.

"To the death. Good luck." I say before jumping and shifting in mid air, landing and shaking out my fur.

My wolf takes a fighting stance, leaning down on his front paw, prepared to spring at his enemy. I bare my teeth and snarl, drool dripping from my mouth to the ground as I imagine how good his blood will taste when I sink my teeth into his neck. Knox looks around as if searching for an exit, but eventually gives up before shifting as well. His dull brown wolf even looks out of shape, extra fat layering him, surely making him slower. He howls before lowering himself in a similar way to me. He begins to pace nervously, obviously not wanting to make the first move.

Well, I'd be happy to do it for him.

I push off my paws and land in front of him. He swipes up his paw, claws extended, but I roll to miss it and am able to scrape my claws down the soft underside of his belly. He roars in pain before scampering back, taking his time to let his healing kick in.

I don't let him.

I barrel down on him again, gnashing my teeth, pulling out chunks of fur wherever I can. Bits of his skin litter the ground and I throw a chunk to Jon, making him huff out a laugh. That pisses Knox off and he rebounds some strength, headbutting me in the side and throwing me off balance. I wince at the pain in my ribs, but shake it off as I prepare to go at him again.

I spring at him, but he's expecting a head on assault and moves so I twist my head to grip his back leg in my mouth. I bite down hard and feel the bone snap in my mouth. He roars in agony and he drags his useless leg behind him, trying to get away from me. I huff at his cowardice, almost not enjoying this fight.

He could at least put up a little bit of a challenge.

I go after him again, gripping his front paw this time. I snap that one as well, but he gets a good bite out of me, spitting out a chunk of my ear. It hurts like a bitch, but I let out a wolfy snicker, not willing to show any weakness. The left side of his body is now useless as he drags himself around, whining in pain as he tries to run. I snarl at him, letting him know he's not getting away.

He will die. And soon.

I decide to drag it out a little bit. If anyone else thinks I've gone soft, let them see what I'm capable of, how savage and bloodthirsty my wolf is. I snap his other two legs easily and he lays on his back, flailing and crying out as I watch. I roll my eyes at his hysterics and temporarily shift back to human form. I grab his large head and pry his mouth open. I rip out both of his canines.

The ultimate act of disrespect.

I saunter over to Grant and hand them to him as a trophy. A thank you for disowning his piss poor excuse of an Alpha and choosing my sister. He smiles at the gift and gives me a nod. I shift back into my wolf and decide to end this pathetic display. I walk up Knox slowly as he eyes me with fear, whining and tucking his tail.

I growl at him and let out a loud howl before wrapping my teeth around his neck. I sink them slowly as he howls in agony. I can smell the terror rolling off of him in waves, but it only spurs me on. His blood floods my mouth and I nearly moan at how good it tastes.

Nothing sweeter than the blood of your enemies.

I feel his rapid pulse through my mouth as the blood spurts out at the same rhythm of his heart. It begins to slow and his thrashing quiets until he nearly stops. I bite down harder until I feel bone, then rip my head back, pulling his throat out with me. He lets out one last gasp before his body stills. I spit out his vile flesh before letting out a loud howl of victory. I spit his blood from my mouth before shifting back and dressing. I have just pulled on a pair of shorts when I hear the doctor's voice call out from one of the windows in the packhouse.

"Alpha! The Luna is waking!"

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