Chapter 7

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I'm in that comfortable place between sleeping and awake when a sudden movement in my room causes my eyes to flit open. I sit up and look around, but don't see anything in the darkness. I lean over to flip on the lamp, and when I turn back to the room a large, muscular figure is looming over me. My eyes trail up to his face where his top lip is pulled back in a sneer and his usually dull green eyes are glowing yellow.


"Did you miss me, pet?" He spits between gritted teeth. "Surely you didn't think I'd let you go that easily."

I open my mouth to scream, but his hand is faster. He reaches forward and curls his fingers around my neck, tightening until I can barely breathe.

"I wasn't done with you yet, bitch. I never will be." He smirks and leans forward, dipping his face into my neck and smelling me. I can feel my heart beating wildly as my body shakes in fear.

"Oh, Leah." He murmurs. "Leah, Leah, Leah...."

"Leah!" My eyes fling open and I reach up to my neck, taking deep breaths.

"Relax, little one. It was just a nightmare." My eyes focus in on Alex, sitting on my bed next to me with his hands on my shoulders. I reach for him, curling my arms around his neck and tucking my face into his chest.

He lifts me into his lap and rubs my back soothingly as I cry into his shirt, clenching it into tight fists.

"Is he really dead?" I ask through my tears. "Did you see his dead body?" Alex looks at me quizzically.

"Who? Silas?" He asks and I nod as I hiccup on a sob.

"Yes, little one. I saw his dead body. You would have too, if you had been concious." He says with a touch of sadness to his voice. I release my fingers from the death grip they had on his shirt and pull away to look at him.

"What do you mean?"

"When I carried you out, we walked passed the bodies and he was one of them." He says gravely and my eyes peek up to meet his.

"You carried me out?" I ask and he nods.

"Yes. I'm the one that found you in the cells." He explains.

"Is there anyone else from Silas' pack here?" I ask, terrified I might see one of my old tormentors again.

"No." He shakes his head.

"Why not?" I ask, my curiosity getting the better of me. He smiles at me and wipes a stray tear away.

"They stayed in their pack until they chose which of the other two packs to go into. The ones we aligned with to take on Silas. They decided to split up the land and the people between them."

"But you didn't?" He shakes his head and readjusts me a little on his lap so I can rest against him.

"No. I have enough land and people." He says and I nod.

"Well then why'd you bring me back here?" I ask and he sighs heavily. I lean my head to rest on his shoulder, sucking in his warmth to soothe my battered soul.

"The other Alphas they uh... didn't want to deal with the complications of a human." He says and I sit quietly to ponder this until the realization dawns on me.

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