Chapter 11

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I stepped out from behind the tree and walked slowly up to a wide eyed Leah. Her eyes trailed my body and she gasped at how large I was, but didn't take a step away from me. When I was only a few feet away, I laid on the ground, making my head level with her chest. My wolf whined a little, not happy that she seemed afraid of him. This seemed to snap her out of her trance because she took a step towards me. She stretched her hand out slowly, and my wolf leaned his head up to meet her. Once we made contact, she seemed to relax. A sweet smile spread on her face as her fingers slipped into the fur on my head.

"Hey, Balto." She says quietly and my wolf cocks his head at her.

'Balto?' I ask through our mind link and she giggles.

"It was my favorite movie as a kid. It's about a dog that's part wolf so no one likes him except for a couple of humans. When one of them, the little girl gets sick, Balto risks his life to run across Alaska in a snowstorm to get her the medicine she needed." She explains, her voice soothing as she continues to rub my wolf's head. He rumbles in approval at the affection.

'Wolves don't really have names.' I explain and her face drops a little.

"I'm sorry. If he doesn't like it I won't call him that. He just reminds me of the movie. Grey fur, yellow eyes. He's so handsome." She says and I ask my wolf.

'What do you think?'

'A wolf that would die for his human? Sounds pretty accurate right now.' He admits as his tongue lolls out and she scratches behind his ear. I can't help but chuckle.

'He likes it.' I tell her and she beams.

She touches him gently, running her hands along his body, fluffing his tail. She gets back to our head and wraps her arms around his neck, nuzzling her face into my fur and my wolf purrs at the contact.

'You like her?' I ask him.

'She's amazing. And she's strong. She should be ours.' He says, to my amazement. With how strongly he hated attention from any woman over the last twenty years I never thought he'd accept another woman.

'I agree.' I tell him.

'I should mark her so she stays with us forever.' He says as he opens his mouth to bare his canines.

'NO!' I scream and he instantly pulls back. 'She doesn't know what that means. And you'll hurt her if you do it. I have to do it in human form.' I explain and he whines a little.

"What's wrong?" Leah asks as she pulls away to look at him.

'Nothing. He wants you to scratch his ear again.' I tell her and she giggles before complying with our request. My wolf's back leg begins to kick as he enjoys the scratches.

He rolls over on his back, showing her his belly and I internally roll my eyes. Leah laughs and leans down next to us, using both hands to scratch his belly. I have to admit, it feels fucking amazing and he lets out low purrs of content. When she decides we've had enough affection, she stands up. We follow suit and shake out our fur before sitting on our haunches, putting us eye level with her.

She reaches out with both hands and cups our muzzle, gently running both thumbs up and down it in a gentle caress. This feels so different from anything we've experience before. We've never been touched by someone in human form. Sure we played with Julie, but that was always as wolves. The way her hands move over us, it's intense but soothing at the same time. She leans forward and plants a little kiss on our nose, making my wolf sneeze. She laughs at the motion and my wolf yips in joy before leaning forward and licking her face over and over. She begins to laugh uncontrollably before she starts pushing us away.

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