Chapter 13

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I fall asleep with Leah wrapped securely in my arms. She looks so content and peaceful, so beautiful I peck a few kisses on her head just because I can't help it.

After a few hours, I notice her forehead become hot and clammy, glistening with a layer of sweat. It started to concern me.

I kept an eye on her, but her temperature seemed to rise steadily until she was both shaking like she was cold and sweating profusely.

Then she started to cough, a hacking sound that seemed incredibly painful, but she hadn't woken up so I wasn't sure if it was really bothering her. I had heard about humans getting sick before, something like 'catching a cold' so maybe that's what happened when she got cold in the forest today. I held her tight, trying to get her to stop shaking. I couldn't tell if she was hot or cold and realized quickly I was completely unprepared to handle this situation. I mind linked the pack doctor immediately and asked him to come to her room.

It was morning at this point and I hadn't gotten an ounce of sleep. My wolf was pacing irritably in my mind, sensing something was off with Leah.

"I know she has a fever, Alpha, and by the way her lungs sound I think she has some kind of infection, but I don't really know about human ailments. You'd be better off getting a human doctor here." He says gravely and I sigh, looking over at Leah thrashing around in the bed.

"Alex!" She screams before she begins to sob. I run over to the bed and lean over her, but her eyes are still closed and her face is pinched with fear.

"It's ok, little one. I'm right here." I coo, trying to soothe her.

"No! He can't be dead. Alex I'm so sorry." She begins to sob and I look over at the doctor confused.

"What the hell is happening?" I ask him and he shrugs.

"I have no idea, Alpha. Michael's mate was a human doctor before he found her. She's on her way." He says and I nod, clinging to Leah's hand as she continues to sob, repeating over and over that I'm dead. The tortured look on her face has my wolf whining in pain as he watches her through my eyes. My heart feels like it's constricting in my chest, worry and fear gripping me. I have no idea if what is happening to her is serious, or if this is considered normal. After what feels like an eternity, a woman with a small black bag comes in the room. I'm still clutching to Leah as she cries and I look at the woman desperately.

"Please tell me what's wrong with her." I beg and the woman comes up to the bed.

"What happened before this?" She asks.

"We were out in the forest with my wolf and she got cold. I brought her straight home and warmed her up but then she started shaking and sweating." I explain and the woman nods, taking something out of her bag.

"This is the woman that was held hostage for months, right?" She asks and I nod. She listens to Leah's chest and swipes something across her forehead before it beeps.

"I'm guessing her immune system already took a hit from the poor conditions she was in. Based on her lung sounds I would say she has some kind of respiratory infection, maybe pneumonia." She looks at the thing and curses.

"Her temperature is a hundred and five. We need to get it down." She says and Leah begins to cough violently to the point of vomiting.

"Go start a bath for her. Make the water warm, not too cold. Her shivering will raise her body temperature even more." I head towards the bathroom but stall.

"Maybe you should do that. The water always feels colder to us." I tell her and she nods.

"OK. Undress her and bring her in." She says and that makes me pause as well. The lady sighs and looks at me annoyed and I suddenly feel like a child.

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