Chapter 14

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As I claw my way up from the darkness, I feel my body, but it’s like it doesn’t belong to me. I try to move, but the movements are jerky and uncoordinated. My eyes are heavy and scratchy as I try to force them open. I’m able to blink a few times, but the bright light hurts my eyes, and I can’t stop the little whimper that pours from me. I feel movement next to me, and a hand runs along my cheek.

“Are you awake, little one?” I hear the deep, tired voice.

“Alex?” I try to croak out, but it barely sounds like anything coming from my dry, sore throat.

“Yes, it’s me Leah. I’m right here.” He says and my heartbeat quickens. I reach for him, and he grabs my hand. I blink a few more times and try to sit up, but I’m too weak.

“Stay laying down, sweetheart. You’re still pretty sick.” He murmurs, pressing his warm lips to my forehead. I open my eyes fully and see his face, his perfect blue eyes. Relief floods through me and I sob at how happy I am. I make a terrible noise and Alex’s face contorts in concern.

“What’s wrong? Why are you crying?” He asks and I sob again at the sound of his voice. I reach my arms up to him like a child and he wraps his around me.

“You’re alive.” I croak and he pulls back to look at me.

“It was just a dream. You had a very high fever.” He says, his eyes flitting around my face. I reach for him again and he grabs my hand to stop me.

“Be careful, little one. You have a thing in your hand.” He says, pointing to a needle hooked to a tube. He kisses my hand making me smile and I look up at him.

“It’s called an IV.” I hear another voice and turn to look at Jon who’s standing in the doorway.

“How do you know that?” Alex asks. Jon shrugs as he steps further in the room.

“I’ve seen every episode of Grey’s Anatomy. I’m basically a doctor.” He says smugly and I snicker a laugh before turning back to Alex. My eyes eat him up, so grateful that he’s safe and here next to me.

“Welcome back to the land of the living, princess.” Jon says with a smile that doesn’t quite meet his eyes.

“What’s wrong?” I ask him and he sits next to me on the bed, placing his hand gently over mine.

“I was worried. We all were.” He says and I frown.

“I’m sorry.” I say quietly and both men chuckle.

“Don’t be sorry for getting sick.” Alex says with an affectionate smile and I can tell my cheeks have heated in a blush.

“Could I have some water please?” I ask and both men jump out of bed to get what I asked for, Jon beats Alex to the door and he must use his werewolf speed because he’s back incredibly fast with a bottle of water.

“The kitchen made a bunch of soup for you. They are heating it up, so I’ll bring it up in a few minutes.” He says, kissing the top of my head before turning and leaving the room.

“I feel kind of bad, everyone making a big deal out of a little cold.” I say to Alex and he looks at me incredulously.

“Leah. You were very sick. The doctor said your time in captivity made your immune system take a hit. You’re going to need to be careful for awhile until we can get you healthy again.” He says, trailing the back of his hand along my cheek. I smile at him and lean into the warmth of his hand.

“And I ordered you a space heater to keep your room warm, so you don’t turn into a popsicle this winter.” He says amusement in his tone. I giggle, but it quickly turns into a coughing fit. Alex watches me worriedly and I take a few more sips of water to clear my throat. Alex seems to relax a little and I lean over to rest my head on his shoulder.

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