Chapter 32

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Three days passed in total bliss. I was able to ignore the nagging sadness at the knowledge that Alex would be leaving. He and Jon worked with me to help me get used to my new speed. My body didn't even feel like mine anymore, my movements jerky and uncoordinated. I moved much faster than I was used to and had to force my muscles to slow down. My strength had also greatly increased. Jon learned that lesson the hard way when he tried to play fight with me and I knocked him on his ass. Alex laughed so hard he nearly passed out.

But the day for Alex's departure had arrived. We had spent the evening saying goodbye many times and in many ways until we passed out from exhaustion. We woke the next morning and I packed a small bag before we walked over to the packhouse.

"What's the bag for?" He asked me curiously.

"I don't want to stay in the house by myself. It would just feel... wrong without you." I say and Alex nods with grim look on his face.

"I can understand that. I'll help you get settled in your old room." He says and I shake my head.

"No I want your old room." I say, hoping his scent is still strong in there. He gives me a little smile and nods, taking my bag for me and gripping my hand.

We walk to the packhouse in a content quiet. I hold his hand firmly, never wanting to let go. He leads me up the stairs to his room and pushes open the door. His scent engulfs me and I automatically relax, taking deep breaths. He huffs out a laugh and starts putting my clothes in the dresser. I watch, rather than help, hoping to make him stay longer. He must read my thoughts because he gives me a wry smile. He closes the dresser drawer and walks over to me, grasping my hands and pulling me up from the bed before wrapping me securely in his arms.

"I won't be gone long, my love. Only a few days. Everything will be fine. Alpha Knox has a firm location on the rogues. We will handle them and I'll run straight home to you." He says, keeping his voice low and soothing. I breathe out a sigh and tighten my grasp on him, fighting my tears.

"I just can't imagine this pack without you. I've grown awfully attached." I say, trying to manage a smile, but not sure I can pull it off. His eyes soften as he cups my cheeks and rakes his eyes over my face, as if trying to commit it to memory.

"Well, enjoy this seperation because when I get back you won't be leaving my side." He says firmly making me laugh a little.

"I have to go, little one. The other alpha is waiting for me to make his move. The sooner I go, the sooner I can come home." He says quietly and I nod, a traitorous tear falling down my cheek. Alex wipes it away and huffs a little.

"None of that, now. I can't very well leave with you crying." He says and I nod again, sniffling and holding back tears.

"We'll be alright." I say and Alex kisses my forehead.

"I know you will. Just watch some football movies with Jon, hang out with Penny and let her annoy you and before you know it, I'll be back." He says and I push up on my toes to kiss him thoroughly. He groans into the kiss and I twirl my fingers into his shirt, whimpering as the sparks make my body feel light and needy. He pulls away reluctantly and smiles at me.

"Are you trying to tempt me to stay?" He asks with a wicked grin. I shrug and smile back.

"Maybe." I quip and he tilts his head back, roaring with laughter.

"You tempting little thing. Come on, I have to go. I need you to stay strong for the pack, little one. They need to know that they are safe. That you're not worried." He says and I nod.

"I'm not worried for their safety. I'm worried for yours." I say and his gaze turns affectionate as he tucks some stray hair behind my ear.

"I know, baby. I know. But they can feel your anxiety. Your worry. I don't want them on edge. Ok?" He clarifies and I nod again, tucking myself into his arms and nuzzling my face into his chest.

"Ok. Just one more minute. Ok? Then I promise to let you leave without a fight. Or whining. Or tempting you with my body." I say and he chuckles, but pulls my close to him, our bodies melding into each other, his warmth and love soothing my frazzled nerves. After awhile I take a deep breath and step away from him. Looking up into his eyes and giving him my best smile.

He grips my hand and leads me down the stairs and out onto the lawn of the packhouse where Jon is waiting. Alex goes over last minute things with him, patrol schedules, phone calls that need to be made, before he turns back to me. He leans down and catches my lips in a breathtaking kiss that makes my body vibrate and my toes curl. He breaks it much too soon and pecks kisses to my cheek, forehead and neck making me laugh as his stubble tickles me.

"I love you, little one." He says firmly, nothing but devotion coloring his tone.

"I love you, too." I say just as resolutely, threading my arms around his neck and giving him one last kiss. He pulls away and strips down, throwing his clothes in his bag before shifting.

His wolf comes up to me, licking my face and nuzzling my neck, breathing my scent in deeply. I smile at the beautiful creature, hugging his neck and kissing his snout. He whines a little as he takes a step back and my no crying rule nearly breaks at the sound. He takes one last longing look at me before turning on his heel and running away so fast his wolf is nothing but a blur.

A choked sob manages to escape the dam I built around my emotions and Jon comes up to hug me. He doesn't linger in the hug and I know it's because I'm mated now, but I appreciate it nonetheless.

"Now that Alpha is gone, let's train you." He says with a playful smirk.

"Train me? How could I ever fight a wolf?" I ask with a scoff. He shakes his head and steers me towards the training center and gym.

"Not physically fight. But there are other ways to protect yourself." He says and I look at him curiously.

"Like what?" I ask. We walk into the building and he unlocks a door with a key, pushing me into the small room and shutting the door behind him. He opens a cabinet and pulls out a gun, the metal shining in the light. I gasp and take a step back, not wanting to be anywhere near the deadly device.

"Silver bullets. You're our Luna now, Leah. You need some way to protect the pack. Alex wasn't fond of the idea, so I let it go. But he's gone. We're out our most powerful wolf and have extra warriors walking around, but we can't rely on them completely. They are not ours. If something happens I need you to be prepared and able to defend yourself." He says and I nod in understanding.

"Do you think something will happen?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"No. I don't. But I don't want you left defenseless. Alex likes to pretend that he will always be at your side. That he will be there to never let anyone hurt you, but that isn't always reality. I respect him, but we need to be realistic about this situation. You are a human. You will always be physically weaker than us. It's biology. Even with you being mated, yes you pack a good punch, but you would be no match for a frenzied, pissed off rogue." He explains and I take a deep breath.

"Will Alex be mad?" I ask and Jon shrugs.

"Probably at me. I doubt you could ever really piss him off. Unless you purposefully put yourself in danger." He says with a smirk and I can't help but smile.

"You're right, Jon. Teach me how to shoot." I say with much more confidence than I feel.

"That's the Luna spirit!" He says excitedly making me chuckle.

He takes me to a shooting range and I watch as he teaches me how to load the gun. His fingers burn when he touches the silver bullets and I inspect them, the tips of his fingers turning an angry red color and he hisses at the sting. I pick one up, but it has no effect on me. He shows me how to hold it, how to stand and aim. I pull the trigger and am surprised at the force of the recoil, but Jon is there to steady me. I aim a few more times and shoot before going to inspect the target.

"Damn, girl. Looks like you're a natural." Jon says, looking over the paper. I hit every target I was aiming for.

"Yep. Let's see someone try to fuck with us." I say smugly, making Jon laugh.

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