Chapter 25

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I look over at Leah and watch her affectionately as she smoothes out the wrinkles in her dress for the tenth time in the last few minutes. Her brow is furrowed and she keeps gnawing on her lower lip like a dog with a bone.

My girl is nervous.

"Relax, little one. Everything will be fine." I say warmly, gripping her hand. It's slippery with sweat and I resist the urge to wipe my hand off. No need to add embarassment to her list of problems.

"I don't know why I'm so nervous." She says shakily and I lean down to press a kiss to her forehead.

"You haven't had the best luck with wolves. It's ok to be a little anxious. Nothing bad will happen. The worst he can do is say no." I explain to her and she nods.

It's true. Alpha Knox's assistance would be greatly appreciated, but not necessary. I don't even know how real the threat is. I just like to be prepared. I watch as his vehicle pulls up in front of the packhouse and he exits the car with his Beta. The Alpha is old, much older than me, probably close to two hundred by this point. I doubt even he knows how old he is. But with age comes experience. He inherited a large, wealthy pack as well. Might as well try to get in the man's good graces.

He bounds up the steps with the energy of a much younger man and I open the door for him, ushering both men inside. Alpha Knox's hair is a little greyer than the last time I saw him, his stomach a little rounder, but his grey eyes are still sharp and calculating. I reach out a hand and he takes it firmly.

"Alex. Good to see you." He says.

"Thanks for coming to hear me out." I say and he nods.

"This benefits both of us, I think." He says and I nod in agreement. He looks behind me and his brows furrow in confusion. I look and see Leah, standing nervously behind me.

"This is Leah. My choice mate." I explain and Knox's eyes widen in surprise.

"Is that so?" he asks and I nod. He shakes Leah's hand and she introduces herself shyly. I'm not used to her meek demeanor and I don't like it. I'd like to see that usual spitfire I'm used to.

"Let's take this to my office." I say, grabbing Leah's hand and pulling her towards my office while the men follow. Knox takes a seat and his eyes flit between Leah and I.

"Excuse me if this is rude but, does a human really need to be here?" He asks. I feel Leah's body go rigid next to me and a fire of annoyance begins to build in my gut, but I try to keep it at bay. Wolves, especially Alpha's, are known to have anger issues. I try to be an exception to that rule.

"Leah will be my Luna once she is marked. Yes, she needs to be here." I say simply and Knox scoffs.

"You're going to choose a human as your Luna? I mean a fated mate is one thing, but a chosen one?" He asks condescendingly. Leah must sense my anger building as she rests a hand on my arm. The contact helps to settle me.

"Leah is a born Luna." I say and Knox's eyes narrow at me.

"What are you talking about?" He asks and I take a deep breath.

"She was Silas' mate." I say and he gapes again.

"Is she the human you found in his cells?" He asks and I nod.

"The one you wanted to kill. Yes." I say with brittle anger coloring my tone. He rolls his eyes and clenches his fist.

"Well, how can you be sure she is loyal to you. Perhaps she wants to avenge his death. She could very well be a spy!" He shouts and Leah scoffs next to me. I look up at her and she is shooting daggers at this man with her eyes.

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