Chapter 33

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Running away from Leah was the hardest thing I've had to do in a long time. My wolf fought me with every inch of space I put in between us. I even had to wrestle him for control at one point. He knows we need to do this. That we need to protect the pack and, by extension, protect Leah. But it's so damn hard. I felt her pain through our bond. The same ache that mirrored in my own chest. There was no doubt, from the moment she woke up, that our bond was as strong as a fated mate bond. Everything felt just as strong as with Julie. Maybe even more so since we took the time to get to know each other, to love each other before we were marked. Everyone says your fated mate is built for you, everything about them is made to fit with you, but I have a hard time believing the same isn't true for Leah.

I let thoughts of my little mate fill my mind on the long, boring run. It took me hours to reach Alpha Knox and I managed to only link Leah once. I would have kept up a running commentary with her, but I didn't want her to feel my absence even more than she already was. While talking to her helped ease the pain, it also made me feel the distance more acutely.

Reaching Alpha Knox's camp, I stopped on the outskirts to shift and get dressed. I was a little tired from the run, but some food and rest would bring me back to my top form. I approached the border wolves, knowing my human form would let them know I'm not a risk. One of them shifted to speak with me.

"Who are you?" He asks skeptically. I can't blame him, an unfamiliar wolf with an Alpha aura can be daunting.

"I am Alpha Alexander. Alpha Knox is expecting me." I say curtly, letting more of my aura out. With my pack members I'm basically a teddy bear, but with outsiders I'm firm and unyielding.

The male nods before mind linking and I stand to wait, widening my stance and folding my arms across my chest. The symbol of a dominant Alpha.

"Alpha Alex!" I hear called, in a jolly tone. I turn my head to see Alpha Knox ambling over to me, a beer in one hand and a turkey leg in the other.

Apparently this is a vacation to him.

"Knox. What are you doing?" I ask, motioning towards the food.

"Enjoying the thrill of the hunt." He says with boisterous laughter and I can't stop my eye roll.

"Come. Let's get you fed. It was a long run I'm sure you're hungry." He says and I nod before following him.

"When are we striking?" I ask and the man huffs at me.

Fucking huffs.

"Slow down, slow down. We can take some time, there's no rush." He says and I feel my anger stewing.

"There is a rush, Knox. I need to get back to my pack. To my mate." I say firmly and Knox gets a knowing grin on his face.

"I see your mark. Part of me can't believe you went through with it. How is the little human?" He asks and I growl low at the percieved slight. He chuckles again and smacks my back.

"No offense, Alex. She seemed like quite the spitfire." He says chuckling and I push my wolf down.

"She is. She's amazing." I say firmly and Knox nods.

"You're mated to a human?" One of the fighters asks and I nod.

"A choice mate." Knox supplies and the surprise is evident on the man's face.

"Is she your Luna?" He asks and I nod again. The man looks thoughtful, but doesn't say anything else.

"You let a human be Luna?" Another fighter asks and I snarl at him, surprising everyone.

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