Planning A Birthday Party

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I was in my room, planning a birthday party with my friends.

How did this come to be?



It was a good day. And by good day I mean that the sun was covered by the clouds so the weather was cool. I really don't understand why people like sunny days.

 My girls and I were walking to school together, when we were stopped by Nino at out classroom door. 

"Dudes! I mean, girls! I need your help convincing Adrien's dad to let him have a birthday party!"

Oh, that's right. Adrien's birthday is just five days from now. 

"A what?" Asked Alya.

"A birthday party for my dude!"

"So you want us to help you to go beg Adrien's father-who is the world's most famous fashion designer that has also never left his house before-to let him have a birthday party?"

"Uh, pretty much?"

"Actually," I said stepping in, "I have a better idea. Allow me?"

When I was writing down the akumas I need to prevent, The Bubbler was not one of them, but Nino may have given me a chance to stop it.

I walked towards the front of the classroom. I've never had a problem with public speaking before, but if I do get nervous, I tell myself that it's okay and I'm very brave for doing this and most people think this too to encourage myself. Don't judge.

All of our classmates had already arrived. Except for Adrien, quite convenient. 

"Excuse me, everyone. Sorry for interrupting your morning activities, but I have a suggestion to make."

All eyes turned to me, which, making my legs shake. Also making my respect for teachers go pretty high up.

"Ugh, what do you want?" Although Chloe wasn't so nice about it, I was glad she was listening. She was a important part of the plan.

"Now, I heard that Adrien's birthday is coming up soon and, with what I've heard from Nino," I turned my head towards him, "Adrien has never had a birthday party before. The most he gets is a pen from his father."

I decided to let the words sink in. It may not seem like a big deal, but to me, not having my parents say Happy Birthday to me on that special day would probably ruin my cheerful demeanor. I would think that no one cares about me.

"So? Why would you care?"

I was surprised that Chloe said that. Wasn't Adrien her supposed best friend?

"Well, Chloe. Imagine if it was your birthday and nobody told you Happy Birthday, your father didn't get you any gifts and everybody just ignored you. That's what's happening to Adrien right now, one of your friends?"

"For your information, he's my Best friend."

"Exactly. So I propose that we," I said, looking into everyone's eyes. Why am I making this so dramatic? So that the students understand. "As Adrien's first classmates, throw him a surprise birthday party! It doesn't have to be too fancy, after all it's the thought that counts."

The class cheered.

"What do you mean? Of course it has to be the best! We're talking about my best friend here!"

"Unfortunately Chole, not all of us are children of mayors, so a small party will have to do. Or maybe..."

"Ugh, you are all peasants! I'll just have daddykins pay for everything! But I'm only doing this for Adrikins!"

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