Dark Cupid

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"In most fairy tales, the prince breaks the curse by kissing the princess. Can anyone tell me why?"

Rose stood up enthusiastically. "It's because only love can conquer hate!" She squeaked. Is it weird I find her voice cute?

Miss Bustier smiled. "That's right, Rose."

Max then stood up. "Technically speaking, this reasoning is only exhibited in about eighty-seven percent in all fairy tales." He stated.

"Thank you, Max," Miss Bustier gestured for him to sit down.

She then looked towards us. Well, not us but at Adrien. He had his head down in concentration, writing something. Probably that poem. But who is it for anymore...me...?

"Adrien, I hope what your writing has to do with my lesson? Can you tell me what I just said?"

He sighed. "That's why in most fairy tales the prince breaks the spell by kissing the princess, because only loves conquers hate." He answered easily.

"Very good, Adrien!"

"You're so lucky you can listen even while doing something else!" I told him. "I'm so jelly!"

"O-oh! Thanks...?" He said sheepishly. "What does jelly mean?"


"Oh, okay."

"So, what are you writing?"

Right then and there, all the blood in Adrien's body decided to betray him and gather in his cheeks.

"W-what? I'm not writing anything...Oh, look! Miss Bustier's giving out homework, we better listen!"

"Now, students. Don't forget to finish 'Sleeping Beauty' by Charles Perrault tonight, and happy Valentine's Day students!"

"Hey, Marinette-"

I stopped speaking and looked towards where my bestfriend was looking. She was watching Adrien throwing away the paper he was writing on in class.

"Hey, you asked if Adrien was writing a poem just now, right?"

"Uh, yeah...?" Where is this going?

"And he turn red right after...I think he actually did write a poem! Come on, I'm going to look for it!"

"In the trash? Marinette, no! That's just creepy. If he threw it away, that means that he doesn't want it anymore!"

"But that doesn't mean that we don't want it anymore!" She teased.

"Marinette! Alya, can you help me?"

"Sorry, girl...I am kinda curious...What? It's Valentine's Day, Yin! Who knows? He may be writing a poem for you!"

"Still, it's not right! I admit, I would like to know what he wrote, but that doesn't change the fact that we're invading his privacy! And looking for it in a trash can makes it even worse."

"Ah, ha! Got it!" Shouted a triumph Marinette.

She smoothed out the wrinkles Adrien had made when he scrunched up the paper and read the poem out loud.

She smoothed out the wrinkles Adrien had made when he scrunched up the paper and read the poem out loud

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