A Fashion Competition

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"You only have one day to work on your fashion piece, and it must be your own design.

"In ten hours, your design will be judge by none other than the great fashion designer, Gabriel Agreste. The father of our very own student, Adrien Agreste. In fact, Adrien will model the winning design in his next photoshoot."

"Oh my god, Yin!" Whisper-shouted Marinette, who was in class for once. "Gabriel Agreste will be judging my design!"

"Aren't you more excited about the fact that Adrien will be modeling it when you win?"

"Ha, As if! His father is the famous one, he's also my idol! Besides, I think you're the one who's excited his going to be modelling."


"Is there a problem back there, ladies?"

"N-none at all, Mister Damocles!"

"If so, I'll announcing this year's theme." As the principle spoke, Miss Bustier pressed a button on the remote controlling the projector. "Derby hats!"

"H-huh, derby hats?" A stunned Marinette stuttered.

"You'll get the win, no matter what! Don't worry too much." I try comforting her.

Chloe, being the queen of bad timing, turned towards us with he little sidekick and made booing hand signs.

But Marinette was too busy panicking to notice anything.


"Derby hat, derby hat, derby hat, derby hat, I don't have any derby hat designs!

"I've got top hats, caps, even two horned hats! If you need a bureau, I'm our girl! A sombrero? No problemo! But a derby?!"

"You know what? It won't even matter cause I'll probably make a total fool of myself at the event, most likely trip over my stupid derby and collapse on Mister Agreste, give him a full-blown concussion and he'll hate me. Then I'll never become a world-renown fashion designer! My life is over!"

Marinette dramatically fell into my lap and started crying.

"Girl, all his over a derby hat? Really?" Asked Alya with raised eyebrows.

The bluenette groaned, making me chuckle.

"Come on Marinette, let us see your sketchbook. Maybe we can help?"

Nodding her head, Mariette placed her sketchbook in my hands.

"There must be something in here that can inspire you," I said, patting the empty space on the bench Alya and I were sitting on, signaling Marinette to sit down.

"Forget it Yin, I'm a disaster zone. I'll probably mess up everything in the end..."

"W-wow, Yin. Those are some incredible resigned-designs!"

While Adrien was talking, I saw Nino hiding a while back, spying on us. Did he force Adrien over?

"Oh, thanks Adrien! But I can't take the credit. These awesome designs belong to Marinette!"

I pointed towards a grinning Marinette. She waved at Adrien.

"O-oh, well I think that you might win the contest, Marinette. Oh look at the time! See you later, Yin- In time for our next class!" He rushed off.

"Isn't school already over? Or did he forget he's the only one in our class that has extra curriculum?"

"Um, no! It's soo obvious that he said your name instead of everyone and wanted to cover it up!" Explained Alya.

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