The Blue Owl Miraculous

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The students of Françoise Dupont High School and I worked together to move the heavy lockers in front of the door of the school and freed ourselves.

I immediately ran to Master Fu's clinic, or where I hope it is. I hope this won't be too bad.

I found the clinic and dashed in to find another Reflekta copy inside. It is that bad.

"Yin? What are you doing here?" He asked. Or should be saying she?

"You know my name?"

"Of course! Now tell me everything."

So I told him everything. No, I didn't tell him my life story, just the things that had happened during Reflekta's attacks.

Master Fu nodded in concentration. "I'm afraid the day has come where I have to put it to use."

"W-what are you talking about?"

"You are aware of Ladybug's true identity, aren't you?"


"Seeing your reaction I assume that the answer is yes. Now, I'm sure you are familiar with the system of the miraculous function, am I right?"

I nod my head slowly. Is this going where I think it's going?

Master Fu clicked a few buttons on the dragon themed phonograph and it  swirled open. A small hexagon box appeared. 

I was confused. Wasn't he supposed to get a miraculous from the miracle box? And not only that, this box is ice blue in color, and the markings on it are sliver. Ironically.

"Yin Lin, this is the miraculous of the blue owl, which grants the power of knowledge. You will use it for the greater good, and look after it well."

"Are you giving it to me permanently?" I asked in shock.

He nodded.

"B-but, I'm not cut out to be a hero! That time I used the Ladybug Miraculous, I had failed but Chat was able to help me. This time, I won't have any help and I might fail-"

"No, you won't. You've proven countless of times that you would make a great hero. Be careful, though. This miraculous is stronger than the Ladybug and the Black Cat Miraculous as it is from a more powerful box that is based on rare animals. You will need it since you're fighting alone."

I nodded but was very confused. The miraculous box that Master Fu was guardian of, was said to be the most powerful. Also, why didn't he get the miraculous from the miraculous box? Did he only manage to save one miraculous? But I shook away those thoughts and opened the box.

As expected, a bright light came out and revealed my Kwami. 

"Hello, there. My name is Hedwig," she said. Hedwig wasn't like any owl I had seen before. She has white and light blue feathers and had a sliver glow to her. She reminds me of the blue owls in the Philippines.

Her voice was friendly and kind, but there was a stern ground behind it. Kind of like a teacher talking to her student. Hopefully she'll warm up to me in the future. 

"I'll let you two sort things out," said Master Fu, retreating to a different room.

"Hello, Hedwig. My name is Yin."

She looked me up and down. 

"You are quite special aren't you." She said softly. What did she mean? Does she know I'm from another world? She is the Kwami of wisdom after all. "Now, Yin. To transform, you must say 'Hedwig, the moon has risen!'; to detransform, say 'Hedwig, the sun is up'. Is this clear?"

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