Dark Blade

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I was rushing over to city hall because Alya had notified me of Chloe's plan. I had already seen this coming, of course, which is why I had already finished writing my speech. Well, the pointers of my speech, I plan to just wing it from here. I'm not worried, it's pretty easy to do so.

Before leaving, I had already made sure anything that Chloe could use against me in case she comes to my home was locked away. No one's there anyway, so I not worried about that either.

After a few more minutes of running, I had finally reached city hall. Why didn't I take a bus?

"I am pleased to welcome you all to the official launch of Chloe's electoral campaign," said Mayor Bourgeois. You mean Chloe's bribery party?

"And a special thanks to world famous pop star Jagged Stone for endorsing her!" Jagged looks like a dead zombie, how much did they have to pay him?

"And if you vote for me, you'll get free tickets to Jagged's next concert!" Said Chloe.

I walked up to the line, and to my horror, saw Marinette and Alya holding the goods from Chloe. Add that to the list of top ten anime betrayals.

"Nice autograph you have there, girls."

"Y-Yin!" They both said, stuttering like deer's caught in headlights.

"Sorry, girl, but we got you on too!" Said Alya, holding up an extra copy.

"Thanks, but I'm not exactly a fan of his. I'll still keep it though. I could probably sell it," I said.

"What? How can you not be a fan?" Asked Marinette.

"Look, can we talk about that later? I have things to say to our classmates."

"Hey, do you guys all realize you're being bribed? Concert tickets are nice, but they won't last. The classroom problems won't be solved by them either," I told the students waiting in line.

"We're just here for the autographs, dude. Do you really think it's Chloe we're voting for?" Asked Nino.

"Okay, that's honestly worse," I said.

"What's your campaign then, Yin?" Asked Nathaniel. And I thought he was on my side.

"Well, I've thought about the problems you guys gave me before and I think that I have the answers.

"Rose, you said the classroom chairs are too uncomfortable, right? Well instead of changing the chairs, I think we can use cushions instead. It's cheaper, and it works just as well. And everyone can customize their own cushion and make it whatever color they want, which means that yours can be pink, Rose."

Hearing this, she squealed in delight.

"And Nino, about listening to beats in the library, I think I can persuade the librarian to allow it, as long as you're wearing headphones and don't singing out loud of course."

"Sweet, dude!" Said Nino.

"Remarkable, you actually sound like a class representative! Too bad you don't have a chance of winning," laughed Chloe. Then, she leaned into my ear. "A word."

"Ew, get away from me, your makeup smells!" I said, pushing her away.

"How dare you!" She pulled me to a corner and took out a phone.

"At first I was going to let it go after you give up, but now, I'm only considering. You better drop out of the election, now, or else I'll embarrass you in front of the whole of Paris!"

She turn the screen of the phone she was holding towards me. It was a picture of Yin's library.

"Tell everyone that you've given up, then I'll delete it!" Said Chloe smugly.

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