Weird Sensations

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"Actually Marinette, I agree with Tikki, chocolate chips are way better than coconut."

"Well, I'll just have to ask Alya," declared Marinette with a little pout on her face.


Tikki quickly hid herself in Marinette's purse as Alya came onto the balcony.

"Look at my new phone! It puts my old one to shame. Just look at these pics!"

She swiped on her phone, showing us a bunch of pictures.

"Why do you have so many pictures of Adrien on his phone?" I asked.

"Ooh, is someone jealous?"

"Gosh, I was just curious."

"Well," said Alya with a sly grin. "With a mask and a suit, don't you think he kinda looks like Chat Noir?"

Alya was smart, that I know. Though I kinda doubted her after she thought Chloe was Ladybug.

"Are you serious? Adrien is tons more legit than Chat Noir."

I tried to keep a straight face as Marinette said that. People are too blind.

"Really, Marinette? How would you know that?" I teased.

But Marinette wasn't bothered by what I said, she looked deep in thought. "Wait a minute..."

Has Marinette realized that Adrien and Chat Noir actually look the same?

"Are you trying to get Yin to fall for Chat Noir so you can have Adrien to yourself?"

Oh my god.

"Girl, of course not! Besides, we all know that Adrien is head over heels in love with Yin." She winked at me.

"You know that? Based on what? A few stutters he makes when he's around me? And what did I even do to make him 'fall in love' with me?"

"For one, you stood up to Chloe!"

"So did you and Marinette."

"And you planned an entire birthday party for him. You even got Chloe to participate!"

"Everyone in our class helped with that, all I did was come up with the idea. And you've heard Chloe herself, she only did it because of Adrien."

"You also help us a lot in akuma fights. In fact, you had just helped us yesterday with defeating Lady Wifi.

My friends and I turned around to see Chat Noir sitting on the roof of the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie.

"Chat Noir?" The three of us asked in unison.

"The one and only!" He winked.

"Oh my god! Can I get an interview with you? You had already gone yesterday when I was deakumatised.

"Sorry, Alya. I on patrol and just overheard so I decided to drop in. Got to go, bye Sliver!"

"Sliver...? Who's that?"

I didn't hear her, I was wondering why there was a tingling feeling in my stomach. Yesterday was my cheeks and chest, now my stomach? Was I coming down with something?

"Wait it's for Yin, isn't it? No way is Sliver a nickname for me or Marinette.

"Uh, well..." I hesitated cause I knew exactly how Alya would react if I told her.

"It is! Girl, how could you not tell us that your friends with Chat Noir?"

"Well, we're not really friends, we just know each other...Acquaintances would better describe it."

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