Chat Noir and Silver Moonrise

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"Ladybug's been enslaved by the akuma!" Chat exclaimed, realizing that he would most likely need to defeat this akuma by himself, unless of course, a certain owl hero appears...

Thankfully, I had been able to retrieve Hedwig from Prince Ali's jacket. She's now safely in my bottler bag. Unfortunately, I haven't been able to think of an excuse to use so that I can transform, and now that Princess Fishstink and Ladybug have arrived, no way am I getting out.

"Ladybug!" Cheered Chloe, not at all aware that her idol wasn't in the right mind even though Chat had just said so.

"She clearly under the akuma's spell, Chloe. Stop shouting," I told her. 

*Bang* *bang* *bang*

I looked at the front mirrors of the car. Ladybug was currently denting the roof of the car we're in with her yoyo. Not a pleasant sight.

"How are we going to get out of this situation?" Wailed Prince Ali's assistant. "We can't open the doors or else we'll get out under Princess Fragrance's spell! And that Ladybug, or so you call her, is going to destroy this roof, it's a lose-lose for us!"

I groaned internally. I was trying to think of a solution, but all this noise is not helping. I pinched my nose bridge. I gasped,  thought had just flashed into my mind.

"Do you guys still have the cloth pegs I gave you?"

"Yup," said Chat, holding it up.

He clipped it onto his nose. "Hurry, take out your pegs and do the same!"

"Ew, no!" Said Chloe. "I was already gracious enough o take it from Lin. I'm not wearing it, it clashes with my outfit too!"

I sighed. I could just tell her to do whatever, but that wouldn't make me a very good superhero, would it?

"Chloe, for your own good, I hope you'll put that cloth peg on. Besides, I think it actually suits your outfit."

Chloe dangled the cloth peg with her right hand and scrunched up her nose. She looked at her outfit and back at the cloth peg. 

"Hmph," she said, flipping her hair little. "I guess you do have an eye for color. But even so, I'll pull it off anyways, cause I'm just so amazing!"

After rolling my eyes, I looked back at Chloe to make sure she actually put the cloth peg on. Then, I turned to Prince Ali's assistant, "Okay, on the count of three, we'll all take a deep breath you'll open the doors so we can escape. Then just run as fast as you can!" 

She nodded and took a deep breath. "One...two...three!" 

She tapped on one of the buttons on the door handle, and a clicking sound was heard. The five of us exited thee car as soon as we heard it, dashing in different directions.

"My prince~!" Shouted Princess Fishstink. "You!" She probably pointed at Ladybug, I don't know, I don't have eyes behind my head. "Go after Chat Noir!"

Chat! Whelp, gotta go help him.

I opened my bottle bag after hiding and Hedwig flew out. She gave a joking mad face and said, "You are getting a long lecture when we get home, young lady! But for now, let's go save Paris!"

 "Hedwig, the moon has risen!" I was transformed into my alter ego. Though my nameless superhero persona wasn't too different from my regular self. 

I flew up landed on a building roof to get a better view of everything. I saw Chat and Ladybug having a fight at La Seine and headed there. Isn't that also the place that Ladybug fought at in the original episode? Hey, stop. I thought we agreed about not thinking about the show anymore and just live our life? 

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