A Good Gopher

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"Thanks to the generosity of Mayor Bourgeois, we're able to have our work experience here at the Grand Paris luxury hotel. Each of you will get hands-on with one of the many jobs here at the hotel," said Miss Bustier.

"You'll be graded on your effort, which will affect whether you pass or not," she added, looking at Alix and Kim with a knowing face. This makes the class giggle. "Now please look to this name sheet and find out which job you will be helping with."

Miss Bustier held up a piece of paper for my classmates and I to see, and set it down on the table.

"Adrikins! We both have counter duty, come with me!" Said Chloe excitedly, dragging Adrien to the front desk while snuggling to him like he was a teddy bear.

I felt my blood boil. Wait, why am I feeling like this...? Is it because...No. Not because of that. Definitely not.

Definitely yes. We like Adrien and you know it.

We don't! We're just angry because of the way Chloe's treating him, that's all.

Sure, not jealous at all, are we?

We are not. Adrien probably doesn't even have any romantic interest in Chloe. Why should we be worried? If we have a crush on Adrien, that is.

Try convincing yourself however much you like, we have a crush on Adrien and you need to face that fact sooner or later.

We don't-

"Yin? Are you listening?"

"Huh?" I asked, whipping my head to the direction of the voice.

"Ah, we have you back. You've spacing out a lot recently," commented Marinette.

"Sorry," I said, giving her and Alya a sheepish smile. It's true, the two voice have been arguing in my head for a while now, clouding my mind whenever I think of Chat or Adrien. It's...concerning.

"As I was saying," said Alya. "I can't find any of our names on this paper!"

"Is there a problem, girls?" Asked Miss Bustier, approaching us.

"There is, Miss Bustier," I said. "Marinette, Alya and I can't find our names on the list." I pointed at the paper on the table.

"Oh." Miss Bustier turned to the mayor. "Do you have Marinette, Alya or Yin on your list, Mister Bourgeois?"

The mayor check the hand written list in his hand. "Hmm, doesn't seem like it..."

"Daddy!" Shouted Chloe while waving a piece of paper in her hand, still clinging onto Adrien.


Realizing that thought I just had, I stared at the space in front of me blankly.

Was I actually jealous...? I do have a crush on Adrien, don't I...

No, you don't.

Yes we do.

"Ah thank you, sweetie. Yes, Alya Césaire and Marinette Dupain-Cheng! The two of you will be sorting out trash at the main dumpster!" Announced the mayor, while Chloe gave Alya a smug look.

Marinette and Alya glared back. "I bet I know who helped daddy make the assignments," Alya said through gritted teeth.

"Yin Lin will be-"

Mayor Bourgeois was interrupted by a new guest entering the hotel. It was Jagged Stone.

The mayor did not look happy to see him for some reason. Chloe on the other hand, looked delighted.

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