Miraculous Talk Ft. Butterflies

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"Hedwig, the sun is up," I whispered after landing on the small platform outside my window, the one Chat used when he visits me. It was on the backside of the street, so there wasn't anyone to witness my detransformation.

Once Hedwig flew back into my bottle bag, I turned to open my window so I could climb in my room. But before I could even get it open halfway, my left foot slipped and I almost fell off, but thankfully, I could still grab onto the end of the cement. My room was on the second floor, and though I wouldn't die, I would probably have a really serious injury. 

I looked down at the ground even though I knew I shouldn't. I gulped, two stories looked a lot higher than it does from the ground. Why, oh why, did I think this would be a good idea?

I decided that I should transform back into um...Silver Moonrise? It isn't too creative, but the name itself doesn't sound too bad...right?

I surveyed around the alley to make sure that no one was around to witness my transformation. 

"Yin? What are you doing?" Came a familiar voice behind me.

Startled, I lost my balance and fell off he ledge. I was too panicked to scream. I got Deja vu from falling from the sky, but at least Chat was with me. 

Suddenly, I was scooped up by a pair of arms, bridal style. It made me think abut how I caught Chat during our fight with Ladybug and I blush.

"Um, thanks for catching me- Chat? What are you doing here?" 

"I should be asking you that question! I just defeated and akuma and saw you on the way home," he explained.

"Oh..." Didn't Ladybug want to have a talk with him? I would like to ask what she wanted to talk about, but Yin isn't suppose to know...

"So?" Asked Chat.


"What were you doing out side your window? You could've hurt yourself if you fell down!" Frowned Chat.

Woah, that was a quick mood change. But I didn't really mind, seeing Chat being concerned about me is...heartwarming.

"Don't worry, I'm fine...Thanks to you," I winked, trying to lighten the mood. It didn't work.

"And what if I wasn't here to catch you just now? What would've happened?"

I looked at Chat to face his worried expression, and felt guilty. "I would've fell off and gotten a serious injury..."

I took his hands...Wait, what am I doing? "I promise to be more careful next time, okay?"

Chat face calmed down a little. All of a sudden, he hugged me, making me blush even harder and the butterflies in my stomach fly around wildly.  

Get yourself together! You've kissed the dude before, a hug isn't anything to get all flustered about!  But bringing up the kiss didn't really help me. 

When Chat pulled away, I saw a bit of pink dusting his cheeks too, making my heart thump.

"Um, do you need to go? You said you just came from an akuma attack, wouldn't you detransform soon?" I asked. Don't get me wrong, I love Chat- I mean spending time with him! But right now, I kinda want to apologize to Hedwig, need to feed her too. And maybe the calm down my beating heart? Na, I don't have a crush on Chat.

"Oh, I didn't use my cataclysm, so I'll be fine!" Oh, never mind then. Guess 'll have to let him down the hard way.

"Well, um, I'll go inside now...Bye. Thanks again for catching me!" I walked quickly to the front of my house. Why didn't I do this before? Could've jut detransform there and walked in! Simple. My brain has a big timing problem.

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