Mr. Pigeon

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"Ugh, come one! Can't we go any faster?"

Marinette and I are on a bus, a very slow one. Presumably because of the pigeons on the road sent by Mr. Pigeon.

"Sorry folks, we have a situation here. You'll need to get off the bus now."

Oh, right. We have to walk our way home. God damn it.

As the bus doors open, I hear Marinette gasp.

"Uh, this is weird..."

"Do you think it's him?"

I glanced at my friend. She nodded her head.


The two of us awkwardly walked through the crowd of pigeons towards the big news screen to find out what was going on. Well, Marinette went to find out, I was pretending.

Out of topic but I must say, though I've only been here for about a month or so, no one think I'm suspicious, yet. I should consider becoming an actor.

Back to the screen, Ms. Chamack was reporting the news.

"Don't be bemused, it's just the news! Pigeons have taken over Paris. This is just one of the many alarming situations happening.

"Yes, I've just bee told that someone named Mr. Pigeon is making an announcement."

A man in a pigeon inspired suit was standing on the side of the Eiffel Tower. And let's just say it probably won't be winning any fashion awards. Isn't Hawkmoth's alter-ego a supposed a world re-known fashion designer? Or did all his talent run away from fear when he becomes Hawkmoth since he's so creepy looking?

Mr. Pigeon had started his speech with pigeon sounds. Sounds that don't belong to a human's vocal cords.

"Roo, roooo! Sorry to ruffle your feathers, but Paris now belongs to the pigeons! Flap, flap, roooo, roooooooo!"

I can't imagined the embarrassment he's going to face when he's deakumatised.

"He's puns are worse than Chat Noir's!" Exclaimed Marinette. "I'm going to transform, stay safe, okay?"

Without waiting for my answer, she ran off.


"Hello, Sliver!"

The black suited superhero of Paris dropped down beside me.


"Oh, on a first name basis are we?"

"You literally have a nick name for me."

"I know. Anyways, you know there's an akuma out right- Achoo!"

"Chat? Are you okay?" Coming from a person with no allergies, that must suck.

"Yeah, I'm just allergic to pigeons. Achoo!" Replied Chat the sneezer.

"Well that's helpful."

Ladybug zoomed in between us with her yoyo.

"Yin? What are you doing here? I told you to get to a safe place!"

"Um, I was on my way home, but..."

"Chat Noir, hmm?"


Poor Chat watched the exchanged Ladybug and I just made and had a guilty look on his face.

"Did I do something wrong?"

"Moving on to more important matters, I think the akuma is most likely in Mr. Pigeon's bird whistle. My friend and I saw him at the Palais de Chaillot just now, and he was kicked out for feeding pigeons, probably why he got akumatised."

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