Princess Fishstink

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I ran as fast as I could. When I reached my school, I was panting so hard, I could blow the buildings in front of me away.

I panickily dashed around the area, hoping to see any trance of an owl kwami. Thinking of Hedwig, I remembered the time I had lost my tablet pen. Hedwig told me to recall what I had done previously instead of just running around like a maniac.

So I took a deep breath and thought back.

I remember Hedwig moving around in my bottle bag when we were still in the restroom, so she was still with me then. Could she have fallen out while Marinette and I were running in the halls?

As I was hurrying towards the stairs, I felt a small gust of wind come by me. From the corner of my eye, I saw Chloe's white limousine past. In her hand was a small figure, white and ice blue...

I was suddenly reminded of how Tikki was stolen by Chloe in the episode Princess Fragrance. Hedwig probably fell out of my bottle bag when I tripped and fell down the stairs! Chloe must've saw he and wants to use her as a present for Prince Ali! Chloe has Hedwig!

A soon as those thoughts cam to my mind, I ran after the limousine. Needless to say, I was left in the dust.

"Hedwig..." I muttered. Out of the blue, I heard sobbing.

I turned around and saw Rose on the ground, crying over a pile of ripped paper.


I went over to my friend, wanting to comfort her, but the I thought about Hedwig.

I should comfort Rose first. If I prevent her akuma, I won't need Hedwig yet.

But if Chloe gives Prince Ali Hedwig, you won't be able to get her back easily. Prince Ali is surrounded by many important figures.

But Rose...

Hedwig is more important! Master Fu said that our miraculous is of a powerful circle, he trusted us this much, are you going to let him down?

I took one more look at Rose before running to the Le Grand Hotel.


I tried to calm my trembling body down by taking a deep breath. "Okay," I whispered to myself. "We're here to see Jagged Stone because I was called to help with another design."

I walked up to the doorman standing straight with attention in front of the hotel's sliding doors. "Hello, I'm here to see Jagged Stone to help with a design for his music!"

The doorman looked me up and down with a raised eyebrow. "You?" He asked with disbelief.

Can't blame him. I was covered in sweat thanks to my run here. I probably looked like a mess, who looks like this when meeting with a famous rock-star?

"Uh, yeah! I am," I smiled awkwardly.

"Hmm, very well." He stepped aside and the sliding doors slid open with a hiss. I step in and shivered a little. Th air conditioner in the lobby is so cold! To make matters worse, I was drenched, so it was even chillier for me.

I took the elevator up to the top floor, where Chloe's room is.


I stepped out of the elevator and knocked on Chloe's room door. No one answered.

Then, I realized that she was probably with Prince Ali , to give him Hedwig...

Fueled by the thought of Hedwig being with Chloe, I went back in the elevator to go look for her.


The doors of the elevator opened to reveal Princess Fragrance getting a bunch of reporters under her control.

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