A Talk

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I was going to fly home, but then I realized that people were going to see me and I'd reveal my identity, which would be a dumb thing to do, especially on my first day as a hero.

"Hedwig, the sun is up," I whispered. I had hidden in an alleyway. It wasn't too secluded, since I was paranoid I might get mugged or kidnapped. And the fact that it is was almost night time did nothing to soothed my nerves. 

"Hey, Silver!"

My eyes widen a little when I heard the greeting, but I didn't show how startled I am.

"Chat! Why did you sneak up on me like that?"  

He chuckled, hands behind his back. "I just felt like seeing you. Reflekta had just been deakumatised, and I have nothing to do..."

Chat brought his nose right in front of mine.

"So, I thought, why not visit my Silver?" He said, smirking.

I glared at him. "You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?"

Chat raised an eyebrow. "I don't know what you're talking about, Silver."

I was about to call him out before I realized I had almost fallen into his trap.

"Ha, nice try, but you aren't going to get me that easily!"

"Like I said," hat out on an innocent face. "I don't know what you're talking about." I could hear the smugness in his voice, and I didn't like it.

I rolled my eyes and walked past him into the side walk.

"Shall I walk you, M'lady?" Asked Chat, coming up beside me.

I put a finger on his lips and glared at him again. "Chat! Don't call me that! Or at least when we're outside! Someone might hear you!" I whisper-shouted.

"Would that cause a problem?"

"Yes! You called Scarletbug that, if someone had heard you then, they're going to put two and two together and figure out I was substituting for Ladybug!"

"But no one was there."

"Ever heard of the saying: 'Prevention is better than cure'?"

Chat shrugged. "If you say so. I'll just call you Silver then. It suits you nicely," he said, coming up to my face again.

I felt my face heat up. Thanks to Chat, I've been blushing a lot recently. Not really happy about it.

"How can you flirt like that so easily? I would prefer others not to see me in such a state," I said, gesturing to my face which was in a very glary form. Chat brought it upon himself. 

"Sorry, Sliver," he said, rubbing the back of his head. He actually looked sorry. "You just look so cute when you blush. And I like it even more if it's because of me." He winked.

Yeah, looks very sorry indeed.

"Why do I even like you again?" I sighed.

Chat froze beside me and turned red.

"What?" I asked. Then, I realized what I had said and turned red too.

"Um, I mean as friends! Not in a romantic way, just as friends!" I tried to explain, flinging my arms around. I do like him as just a friend...right?

"O-oh! Yeah...As friends..." Said Chat, biting his lower lip. 

Hot...Wait, snap out of it! My subconsciousness thought. 

"Um, we're at my house!" I said, after the rest of the walk had continued in silence. "See you later?" Hopefully never, that was so embarrassing!

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