IX. La Push

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La Push was a beautiful, rustic little village on the coast of the Pacific Ocean

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La Push was a beautiful, rustic little village on the coast of the Pacific Ocean. The was rife with beautiful flora and magnificent fauna.

"This is the Native American reservation Jacob is from," Renesmee told me as we pulled up in front of a small wooden house.

"Is this his home?" I asked, astounded by the stark contrast between the Black's modest home and the Cullen's grandiose mansion.

"Yes, it is."

"Why don't the two of you live together?" I found it a bit odd that the Cullen's lived with their partners but Renesmee chose to stay home.

"Oh," she blushed, seemingly taken off guard by my question.

"You don't have to answer that," I added quickly.

"No, it's okay. I don't live with Jake because he wouldn't be able to comfortably stay in our home."

"I couldn't imagine why..." I said with a little sarcasm.

"I don't think my family would be comfortable with him around long term, either," she continued, acting like she didn't hear my comment. Her small smile gave her away, though.

"And you don't live here because..." It was a dumb question, but I was curious about how she would phrase her response.

"I feel more comfortable living with my coven," she admitted, blushing deeply.


"I gotcha," I said, dropping the topic. I had a hunch that she would be more willing to talk when she wasn't within earshot of a pack of werewolves.

Renesmee looked relieved as we climbed out of the car. We were greeted by a group of particularly large boys. A sullen looking girl hung back by the house.

Jacob bounded over and Renesmee greeted him with a peck on the cheek. He pulled her into a long embrace in return. It was a bit awkward and a little hard to watch.

After a swift round of introductions Jacob and his friends led Renesmee and me to the beach for a big cookout. The fire burned brightly as we cooked hot dogs and assembled s'mores. I was shocked by how much food the guys could put away.

Once everyone was done eating people continued to talk and laugh as the sun set. I didn't know anyone so I felt out of place, but I still enjoyed spending time with people who still had a pulse.

I was sitting by the fire people watching when one of the boys, arguably the youngest one of the bunch, plopped down next to me in the sand.

"Hey," he said with a wide, warm smile.

"Hi," I gave him a small wave.

"I'm Seth," he introduced himself.

"Violet," I smiled. His sunny energy was a little contagious.

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