XXXVII. Intention

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"Jane. Jane!" I said, growing panicked.

She held her hand up, indicating for me to stop talking. As she did, Mr. Jones, the eleventh grade biology teacher, and Mr. McDonald, the Gym teacher, came barreling into the room.

"What happened?!" McDonald asked loudly.

"Are you two okay?" Jones asked, looking frantically between Jane and me.

"We're fine," Jane said coolly. "Though I think Violet needs to go to the nurse's office."

"Out. Out!" McDonald command. Jones ushered us out into the hall.

Once we were out in the halls, chaos ensued.

Students poured out of the classrooms while teachers tried futilely to control the crowd. Manic excitement bubbled through the crowd; it was a perfect opportunity to ditch class without repercussions.

I looked around, trying to locate Jane, when Alec arrived and whisked me away from the growing mob.

"Alec!" I pleaded. I tried to slow down our pace but Alec kept us moving forward, leading me to the then empty Chemistry classroom. Briskly, he locked the door behind us and approached one of the sinks that lined the opposite wall. Faster than humanly possible, he plugged the sink and turned it on, filling the basin with water.

"Come here," he said without looking back at me.

I compiled without protest.

Alec shut off the water and instructed me to soak my hands. I winced at the temperature; it was a touch too hot to be comfortable. Blood bloomed under the surface as the warm water softened the torn skin.

While my hands soaked, Alec moved about the room, collecting supplies. The pieces of porcelain began to dislodge the longer I kept my hands submerged. Alec gingerly removed my hands from the sink and scanned them for any remaining splinters. Satisfied, he wrapped my hands with a towel and applied pressure to soak up any excess water.

"Ow," I cringed.

"I'm sorry," Alec murmured as he continued to work on my hands.

"What the hell are you doing?" I shrieked as he bowed his head and pressed his lips on the back of my left hand. Terror swept through me as I helplessly watched him part his lips against my skin.

Alec looked up at me, still leaning over my hands. "I'm healing you," he said ambiguously.

"You can't turn me here," I hissed. "And that's not an appropriate solution for a few scratches. Just give me a couple of Band-Aids."

"I'm not turning you," he said without elaborating. Instead, he continued to literally lick my wounds.

My cuts burned as they came in contact with Alec's tongue, as if he were rubbing them with alcohol. Astonishingly, by the time Alec pulled away the burning dissipated, and my wounds dissolved with it.

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