XXXVI. Complication

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Alec wrapped his arms around me and held me close as we soaked in the moment

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Alec wrapped his arms around me and held me close as we soaked in the moment. I lost track of time and had no idea how long we lay there, or how late in the day it was. Eventually, Alec let out a long sigh.

"Mm?" I mumbled, still unwilling to move.

"You're going to hate me," he said, his cheek pressed against the top of my head.

"Why's that?" I asked, absent minded.

Alec paused for a moment. "We're going to be late for school."

* * *

"You've got to be kidding me," I grumbled from the passenger seat as Alec pulled out onto the main road. I was seething.

Before we'd left, I'd showered and dressed before venturing out into the living room. I was immensely relieved to see that Alec and I were alone in the cottage. Blessedly, no one had been around to hear us in the bedroom. Conversely, I was equally dismayed by Alec's sincerity about attending school that day.

"We can turn around right now if you'd like, but we'd only be back long enough to pack our bags," Alec said indifferently.

I continued to stare out of the passenger side window and pouted, not bothering to acknowledge his remark.

We pulled into the crowded school parking lot just in time for Chemistry in second period. It was painful having to part ways, even if it was only a few yards.

For a dark moment, as I stared at the back of Alec's head, I actually considered jumping up and making a break for the airport. But, then I shifted my focus to the back of Jane's head and shivered, remembering the grim reality of that option.

Chemistry flew by. I was still in a daze from the morning's events, and my head was still understandably in the clouds. Liam tried to hold a conversation when I first arrived, but he quickly gave up. It didn't take long to grow tired of my disjointed, monosyllabic responses.

When the bell rang, dismissing us from class, I slowly packed up my bag and kept my head low. I was miffed at Alec for making me go to school, and I was outright pissed at Jane for trying so blatantly to sabotage our relationship. I wasn't in the mood to talk.

When I exited the classroom, the twins were still waiting for me by their lockers. I walked past them briskly, averting my eyes, and stalked off to the nearest women's restroom. I hoped that my sour attitude and the silent treatment was enough to bait Jane into following me. She had a difficult time passing up an opportunity to gloat.

I busied myself at one of the porcelain sinks, pretending to fluff my hair and check my mascara while I waited for the room to clear out. As I gazed at myself in the mirror I noticed the lingering flush of my cheeks. And my eyes, they were a little too bright. My hair was messier than usual, and none of my attempts to smooth it back out were successful. My lips were pink and smooth from the kisses and I had a dewy glow; the evidence of love making was glaringly obvious to me, but so far it didn't seem like anyone else noticed.

I took a deep breath, collecting myself, and turned on the sink. Stalling further, I pretended to wash my hands as everyone around began to wrap things up. Right on cue, Jane waltzed into the restroom just as the last couple of girls were filing out.

"Good morning," Jane said lightly.

I abruptly shut off the running water and turned to face her.

"Why did you tell your brother I wanted space?" I demanded, cutting to the chase.

"What?" she blinked, feigning ignorance.

"Are you actively trying to ruin my relationship?" I knew the answer but I wanted to hear it from the horse's mouth.

"You look surprised," she observed, smug little grin touching her lips.

"Do you want your brother to be happy, or not?"

"Of course I do," she said sweetly. "But he doesn't need you for that. He just doesn't understand that. Yet."

"Great," I huffed, throwing my arms out and dropping them to my sides. "Well, I hate to break it to you, but your little plan backfired."

Jane's smile faded a bit. "I sincerely doubt that."

"It's true," I insisted, feeling a thrill run through my body. "We talked this morning and now we're closer than ever. I told him I loved him," I boasted.

Jane didn't look impressed. Rather, she appeared relieved, then cocky. "Words mean little. You humans are so fickle," she sneered.

"Opposed to what? Actions?" I asked, my voice jumping up a pitch. The power of having the upper hand was making me feel high. "Because if actions are what you're looking for, I nailed him, too." It was crass, but I wanted to inflict as much damage as possible.

Jane froze. Her nasty little smirk was wiped clean off of her face.

Growing bolder, I continued, "I am completely and utterly in love with Alec, vampire or not. And there is nothing you can do to change that."

Jane's upper lip curled over her teeth as hatred burned in her eyes, like two blistering black coals. She let out a horrid, ear splitting noise - a mixture of a shriek and a sob.

I steeled myself, refusing to show weakness. I couldn't let myself back down now.

Enraged further by my apathetic mask, she slammed her hands down on a sink, tearing it straight off the wall and to the floor. I threw myself backward and shot my arms up to protect my face as the porcelain exploded into thousands of pieces. White dust billowed around us as Jane let out a low, guttural groan of agony.

As the dust settled, I felt my hands sting. I looked down to assess the damage and realized I had shards of the sink embedded into the backs of my hands, like dozens of splinters. Blood streamed down my hands and soaked into the sleeve of my sweater.

Slowly, I looked up and met Jane's eyes. My whole body went cold as the primal panic of a wounded animal swept through my body. Jane was standing in the middle of the restroom, blocking the exit. Even if I could run, I knew I wouldn't be fast enough.

My jaw went slack and I took a few instinctual steps back, halting after I bumped into the wall. Jane looked at me with hungry eyes; her dark crimson irises looked flat behind her muddy brown contacts. My eyes were glued to hers, hopelessly staring death in the face.

Before I could release the scream that was building in my chest, an unexpected noise snapped us out of our standoff.

A stall door crept open, shrieking on its hinges, and a freshman emerged. The girl stared at me, horror struck, before turning her glassy eyes to Jane.

I stared at the girl, my face ashen. She'd seen everything. She'd heard everything.

The girl scurried out of the restroom, nearly tripping on chunks of the sink as she ran. Jane stayed frozen in place for a long moment before her face melted back into her usual look of contempt.

"Well. That needs to be dealt with," she said with frigid amusement.

My heart dropped.

Dealt with.

My limbs suddenly felt like lead as black understanding consumed me.

That fourteen-year-old girl needed to be dealt with.

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