Chapter three: An old enemy returns (Rewritten)

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"Man, I never thought this investigation would be so boring," Blake thought to himself and sighed.

Blake was currently flying through an asteroid storm in the middle of space. He had been traveling for at least ten hours now and still hadn't found anything. Blake looked down at the scanner. He was picking up nothing, he was really all alone now. There might at least be something, some kind of enemy he could fight, or someone he could race to pass the time faster. The sapphire blue gem on the front of the golden staff glowed brighter than before, indicating that he was getting closer to his goal, and the strange feeling that told him to keep going was still there.

Still, Blake didn't know how much closer he was to his goal. Was he halfway there? Would it take days for him to arrive? Weeks? Blake couldn't tell, and that annoyed him greatly.

To relieve his boredom, he imagined the asteroids as incoming Penetarox space fighters shooting at him. He quickened his pace and fired at the asteroids in front of him, making some combat maneuvers with the Xeviour fighter he had learned during the war. Blue hot laser beams came out of the laser blasters mounted on the Xeviour fighter, raining down on the asteroids he was aiming at. The laser cleared his path easily, as the asteroids exploded into millions of tiny pieces on impact.

But after half an hour, he got bored with that too, and Blake continued his flight normally. He looked at one of the small monitors on the ship's console and spotted the coordinates. The number was huge and had so many digits that Blake didn't know what the number was even called.

"Damn! I've never been this far out before. Am I even still in the Milky Way?" He asked himself.

He looked down again and stared at the energy status. He only had fifty-nine percent left, and he would need at least fifty percent to return to Earth. Blake grumbled and scratched his ear. Half of him wanted to keep following the staff's instructions, the other half was screaming at him to get home now before he ran out of energy.

"What a load of bullshit!" Angrily, he pounded his fists on the control stick. He had wasted more than ten hours just to get to this point where he had to return because of his energy level.

Suddenly, his scanner sounded an alarm and flashed red. The scanner showed a small swarm of white dots approaching the center from below. His instincts reacted immediately and he turned off his scanner with the communication channel so as not to give away his position. He stepped up even more by activating his space fighter's cloaking function, which allowed the Xeviour fighter to change its exterior color to match its surroundings. Then he raced toward an asteroid three times the size of his space fighter and hid behind it.

Only a few seconds later, a small swarm of red space fighters zoomed past his hiding place, completely ignoring the Xeviour fighter.

"Those fighters looked kind of familiar. What the hell are they doing out there in the middle of space anyway?" thought Blake to himself.

He decided to go after them without attracting their attention, and pushed the control stick forward. Blue flames erupted from behind the wings of his fighter. His fighter shot forward at incredible speed.

They were still far apart, but Blake could see them from a distance. He didn't want to get any closer, because that might give away his position. He dodged the asteroids and also used them to his own advantage to camouflage himself while keeping his distance from them.

Blake did this for several minutes until he lost sight of these strange yet familiar spacecraft.

"Great, I lost them! This investigation can't get any worse than this! I'm going back home!" thought Blake angrily to himself.

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