Chapter four: Stealth mission (Rewritten)

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After flying around several buildings, Blake finally found a safe place to park his Xeviour fighter jet for some time and initiated landing protocols. Three mechanical landing legs extended from under the Xeviour fighter, and Blake successfully and safely landed on the surface of the red planet. He looked around and discovered no one near him.

"Finally! God, it took forever."

He shut down his ship, and the engine hummed quieter and quieter until no sound could be heard in the cockpit. The sapphire-blue stone of the staff that lay on the floor next to his seat glowed even brighter now, so he had to shield his eyes if he looked at it too often. He was very close to his goal now. He was so close that he could feel for himself where to go from here. Still, he decided to take it with him, as it seemed too important to leave it here.

The cockpit of his space fighter opened with a hiss and Blake jumped out. He took a look at his surroundings. All the buildings surrounding him looked the same except for the height. The sky was dark red and many Penetarox space fighter swarms flew high above him. He also spotted a vent on the wall of one building that was blocked by its cover, so he couldn't climb in there. But that wasn't really a problem for him.

His eyes began to glow bright red, and a hot, deadly laser shot out of them and onto the vent cover. The cover glowed orange as the laser melted it within seconds, creating an entrance for Blake to crawl through. The red laser from his eyes went out after he had done his job well. Wisps of smoke left Blake's pupils, which glowed slightly red.

The extended staff he held shrank to its original length. Now it would be much easier to crawl through the ventilation shafts. It was as if the staff was trying to help Blake by adjusting its size. The ventilation shafts were small and narrow, and Blake would not be able to fit in with the extended version of the wand.

"What a neat magical object."

He tucked the staff into his free weapon holster on his battle belt and climbed through the entrance he had created for himself.

"I just need to get out of sight, then everything should be fine," Blake told himself.

Blake began to crawl through the narrow ventilation shafts. His red eyes shone through the darkness, giving him a faint light with which to orient himself in the pitch black darkness. The inside of the ventilation shafts was also filled with dust. Much to his annoyance, the dust stuck to Blake's battle gear as soon as it came into contact with him.

He crawled straight for a few minutes, his arms and feet bumping against the metal surface, making a dull sound. Blake hoped that no one would notice this noise he was making.

Blake paused for a moment. The ventilation shaft in front of him divided into three paths, one leading to the left, one leading to the front, and the last leading to the right.

"Hmm, which way should I go?" Blake scratched the back of his head as he thought.

Suddenly Blake felt a strange sensation, a sensation so strange he didn't know how to describe it. It felt like someone else was present in his mind. Did that mean he was getting closer to his goal?

"Left..." A strange young and feminine voice called out to him in his head. Blake recognized the voice immediately. It was the voice that had spoken to him before, when he first touched the staff.

With this information in mind, he crawled through the left vent. He decided to ask questions later and focus on his mission instead. So far, he was doing a pretty good job. The ventilation shaft then made a sharp turn to the right, which Blake was just able to squeeze through. Then the shaft led slightly downward.

Blake didn't notice that this part of the shaft was very clean and the surface very slippery. It also didn't help that his body was covered in dust from the previous vent, it only made the situation worse.

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