Chapter seven: The Cosmic Beam Eraser (Rewritten)

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Today was another warm and sunny day, like any other on the jungle-covered planet of Cerinia. A cobalt blue anthropomorphic fox was currently on her way to her destination, the temple of Cerinia. She wore a self-made belt from the bushes of the jungle trees, from which hung several pouches. These pouches were filled with all kinds of colorful berries that she had collected on her journey. On her back she carried her golden staff, at the tip of which shone a blue gemstone.

Ah... Yes, those were the worst moments of her young life. She remembered the pain she had to endure to even be accepted into the trials. The trials themselves to become a true Cerinian Guardian were a thousand times harder. A sigh of relief escaped her just thinking about it. There was no need to think about those painful times anymore, because she had overcome all those trials and had been accepted because of them. She remembered her family's smiles when she got home, she had never been so happy and her mind was about to explode from overdosing on excitement. Her parents rushed up to her and hugged her tightly, both of them shedding a few tears of happiness. Her older brother stood beside them, smiling proudly and applauding.

Now she was standing in front of a huge jungle temple. It was shaped like a pyramid and built of smooth stones, most of which were covered in moss and had a few cracks. The temple of Cerinia, built hundreds of years ago, towered high above every jungle tree. On top of the temple floated a massive blue crystal. It was almost about the same size as Krystal herself. The floating gem was a tiny bit taller and wider than her.

She walked up the stairs and had to shield her eyes. The blue crystal above shone so brightly that it wouldn't do her eyes any good if she stared at it for too long. Now that she was an official guardian of the Cerinian people, it was her job to check on the magic stone from time to time, to watch over it and observe the vision it presented to her, which could show her the possible future of her home planet.

After a few minutes, she finally reached the top. From the top, she could see the different types of trees. In the far distance was a deep blue ocean. She turned to her left and saw a huge opening in the middle of a jungle with skyscrapers reaching into the clouds and other smaller buildings. Small airplanes flew around the buildings and through the sky above the city. This was the capital of Cerinia. What was special about this place was that it blended a futuristic design with the historical lifestyle of the people of Cerinia. There were skyscrapers, futuristic airplanes and hovercars, but also buildings made of stone and wood, medieval-looking marketplaces, and the people who lived there walked around half-naked in tribal clothing. The most bizarre thing about this place was that they didn't run their things on electricity. Instead, every device was powered by magic.

Although the Cernians had their own technology and the ability to develop much further, they did not decide to focus on this. They may have airships, but no one in Cernina had managed to reach the stars yet. They may have some advanced technological devices like their magical golden staffs and other tools, but they don't have simple things like smartphones or literally anything with a screen. And yet these people were fine with it, they were happy. And as long as they didn't have to worry about things like war and crime, they thought it best to keep things the way they were, and so things went on for several hundred years without any problems.

Krystal knelt down and placed her staff on the floor in front of her. She closed her eyes and clasped her hands together. She prayed to the crystal, which glowed with the energy it contained. Her task was simple: she had to pray to the crystal until it granted her the vision of the possible future, and then guard it for a few hours until another Cerninian guardian came to relieve her later.

After a few minutes of praying, the crystal rewarded her with a vision. She expected to see her home in an unchanged state, without any problems. People went about their normal daily routines. But she saw something else, something that would haunt her for the rest of her life.

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