Chapter sixteen: Reactor heat

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Several screams from Penetarox soldiers echoed through the hallways. The lights turned red and a loud alarm sounded. Blake ran through the corridors inside the Penetarox planet. He was trying to find the planet's reactor core, which is located deep inside. He didn't have time to think about which way to go because there were many enemies behind him. Now there was no way to turn back. His only option was to go deeper and deeper into the interior of the planet Penetarox.

Penetarox: "Squad!!! Intruder sighted!!! Kill that son of a bi-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Blake turned and lasered his head, which exploded in seconds. A purple liquid splattered everywhere and the lifeless body of the Penetarox soldier lost its balance and landed on the metal floor with a loud thud.

Penetarox: "Holy shit!!!"

The three remaining Penetarox soldiers pointed their laser rifles at Blake and fired immediately. Blake dodged each laser beam with sick and fast dance moves and activated his magnetic boots. He turned sharply left, ran up the wall to the ceiling, and ran across the ceiling while shooting a hot laser from his eyes at the three Penetarox soldiers.

Penetarox: "Oh shit! Oh shit!!! OH SHIT!!! RUN!!!"

They turned and ran back to where they had come from, but Blake and his laser were much faster. The red-hot laser reached them and cut them in half. One half of their body separated from the other and fell to the ground, while a purple liquid with gears and wires oozed out. One Penetarox soldier survived Blake's attack, only his left leg was missing. He limped away from Blake on his only leg as fast as he could, but suddenly Blake was in front of him. Frightened, the Penetarox soldier fell on his back and a hard metal boot crashed into his face. A crunching and cracking sound rang out as the Penetarox soldier's head, which was a mixture of metal and flesh, was completely crushed.

Blake: "Weaklings!"

Blake heard yelling and saw hundreds of heavily armored Penetarox soldiers equipped with laser miniguns rushing toward him.

Blake: "Uh-oh!"

Blake didn't need to be told twice that he had to run now. He continued sprinting down the hallway until he arrived at a intersection. A turret popped out from the ceiling in the middle of the intersection and immediately fired at Blake. Blake randomly chose a path and made a sharp right turn. The ground was wet and Blake was about to slip. But he managed to regain his balance and kept running on the path in front of him while the turret kept firing in his direction until it was empty. Then it detached itself from the ceiling and fell to the ground with a loud noise that caught Blake's attention. He turned around and saw four sharp metal legs appear on each side of the turret, which turned into a spider. It stood up and ran after Blake at high speed.

Blake: "What the hell is that!?"

Blake hated spiders. He had a phobia of these eight-legged freaks. But this one was beyond bad. Blake tried to laser-eye it with his laser eyes, but the turret spider just dodged his attacks and came at him. It was best for Blake to keep running, and so he did. He ran through many corridors, turning left and right while screaming "bloody spider." The spider's feet made a metallic clang as they touched the ground.

Blake: "Holy shit!"

Another army of heavily armored Penetarox soldiers appeared in front of Blake, armed with miniguns.

Blake: "Oh fuck! Big ass turret spider or heavily armored Penetaroxes with miniguns!?"

He looked back and forth as his two opponents approached him. He wasn't sure which to choose until he spotted elevator doors on his left. Without thinking, Blake pushed the heavy elevator doors aside and ran down the elevator shaft at inhuman speed. When he spotted the next elevator, Blake slowed down and landed on top of it, causing a loud noise that the three Penetaroxes in the elevator noticed.

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