Chapter six: System overload (Rewritten)

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Outer space... Space is an endless void filled with all kinds of things, like stars, planets and much more. It can be very deadly to be out there, far away from everyone else, but also one of the most beautiful experiences at the same time. There are planets that have their own charm, a different nature with all kinds of imaginary life forms. Then there are planets that have nothing. There is just a plain desert with sand particles flying around everywhere. You could talk endlessly about space without covering even one percent of it. There is just so much to say about it. Some things just can't be described with the limited vocabulary.

"If only my people could see what I'm seeing right now..." Thought the cobalt blue vixen as she gazed at the breathtaking view before her. The colorful lights reflected in her watery eyes and a tear escaped her eye and rolled down her fur-covered cheek.

The colored lights faded and the Xeviour space fighter left slipspace. A warning buzzer sounded and all the screens switched off. The humming of the engine also slowly stopped, and then Chellie, the artificial intelligence installed in the ship's system, spoke through the ship's speakers.

"Warning! Power status... Is... Emptyyyyyy..." Her voice deepened and slowed towards the end before becoming completely silent, meaning she was no longer able to respond. The light in the cockpit flickered a few times until it went out as well. His glowing red eyes and her staff, which lay on the floor beside her seat, were now the only source of light in the cockpit, blending into a beautiful violet. Blake took a deep breath and sighed.

"Oh great... The ship has lost all its power. We're stuck in the middle of nowhere." Blake said with palpable annoyance.

His two days after waking up couldn't have been worse. He woke up to a malfunction that for some reason killed his entire team except Chris and himself. He tasked himself to save whoever was screaming for help through his mind, only to find out that the Penetaroxes still existed. The whole damn war he had fought for two hundred years ago had been for nothing. And now he'd alarmed them all by stealing a very important asset from them, Krystal. Not only that, they were now both stuck in the middle of space with no way to contact Chris. Soon the Penetaroxes would have their exact location and then they'd be screwed, only time could tell.

Blake crossed his arms before sliding halfway down his seat and staring up out the glass of the windshield.

"It's all my fault... I should have been better prepared... I'm sorry, Chris... I failed in my mission..." He clenched his fists and clenched them as hard as he could. If he still had his normal biological skeleton in him, he probably would have broken his hands by now with this kind of power.

"Hey, don't blame yourself. Why is this your fault anyway? If there's anyone to blame, it's me. I should have informed you properly when I had the chance to communicate with you through your mind." She emphasized, trying to calm Blake down by putting the blame on herself. But Blake simply couldn't agree with her.

"No. It was still all my fault two hundred years ago! I failed the war, by the looks of it!" Blake snapped back.

"Two hundred years? What?" She asked him incredulously. How could he still be alive if he was older than two hundred years? Krystal could have sworn he looked like he was in his early twenties, maybe even younger. Maybe that was normal for his kind, because she'd never met them before.

Blake thought for a moment and sighed. He decided it would be best to tell her everything he knew, from his awakening inside a lab to fight the war to the situation they were currently in.

"Listen... I don't know much about the Penetaroxes and their origins, and I don't know anything about my former life before I woke up as... this." Blake pointed at himself with both hands.

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