Chapter fourteen: Blake's dark secret

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Blake and Krystal slept peacefully, enjoying each other's warm embrace. But unfortunately, that moment had to end when the lights came on in his dorm room and a digital alarm clock beeped loudly. It didn't take a second longer and Blake smashed his digital alarm clock with a single punch of his bare fist.

Blake: "Ughh..."

Blake groaned and opened his eyes. He was met by two of his blue fluffy softballs. He was about to leave his bed, but stopped when he realized that he didn't have any blue fluffy softballs at all. They weren't even soft balls! They were Krystal's breasts! And he was using them as pillows!

Blake: "Oh..."

Blake blushed madly and couldn't help but stare at her with wide eyes. He didn't like the situation at all and wanted to leave as soon as possible. But two furried arms and a furried leg stopped him. She held him tightly while she put on a wide smile in her sleep.

Blake tried to carefully free himself from her tight grip so she wouldn't wake up. He managed to free himself and was about to leave his bed. But Krystal woke up and was unstoppable. She grabbed him by the arm and dragged him back to her.

They were now both looking at each other. Her cyan blue eyes sparkled and stared into his soul. She grabbed his head and kissed him passionately. His dry lips met her moist and soft ones. A few seconds later she pulled back and caressed his face with her nose.

Blake: "Uh... Can we please have breakfast first? I'm about to die of starvation."

Krystal's stomach growled in agreement and she nodded. She let go of him and got out of bed. Now Blake had new things to worry about, because his nose began to bleed dramatically at the sight of naked Krystal in front of him. Krystal blushed and smiled at him.

Blake: "Shit! I'm gonna go to the bathroom now!"

Blake ran to his personal bathroom and closed the door. He wiped all the blood off his face and stared into the mirror while talking to himself.

Blake: "I'll never be able to forget what I just saw.... And that's why I love my fucking brain!"

Blake left his bathroom with a smile and spotted Krystal waiting next to the exit door, already dressed. He went to his dresser, opened it, and put on one of his favorite flight suits that he always wears.

Blake: "Ready to go?"

Blake walked towards his exit door and it opened with a whooshing sound. Just outside the door was Krystal's translation helmet on the ground with a note attached to it. Blake picked it up and read the note.

Blake: "Morning Blake! I've improved Krystal's translation helmet and it now runs much longer until the batteries run out. Also, I hope you had nice wet dreams, ya wanker! Wink smiley face..."

Krystal couldn't help but laugh as Blake tore off the note and lasered it away.

Blake: "There you go! Much better!"

Blake put the helmet on Krystal and activated it.

Krystal: "Finally I can have normal conversations with you Blakey!"

Blake and Krystal walked to the elevator and entered. Blake pressed the button for the cafeteria floor and the doors closed. While the elevator was going up, Krystal wanted to make this moment a little more exciting.

Krystal: "So, how were the softballs?"

Blake: "What do you mean? What kind of softballs?"

Krystal: "My softballs of course!"

Blake blushed and turned away in embarrassment.

Blake: "Okey, that was a once in a lifetime moment! Won't happen again!"

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