Chapter seventeen: Penetarox portal

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The Penetarox leader angrily slammed his fists on his desk, which bounced off the floor

Leader: "That stupid little human fucker!!!"


Leader: "He destroyed the fucking reactor core cooling system!!!"

Harder bang.

Leader: "Now our main base will blow up in four hours!!!"


Leader: "And some of our turrets are killing my own army for some damn reason!!!"


Leader: "I have a feeling we are dealing with multiple humans and one of them is hacking into my planet's system while the other is running around there!!!! How did they manage to fuck everything up!!!? I'm more impressed than anything!!!"

Penetarox: "C-calm down boss! There's still-"

The Penetarox leader intervened and yelled at him.

Leader: "Calm down!!? CALM DOWN!!? I WILL SHOW YOU HOW TO CALM DOWN!!! And don't tell me what to do!!! I'm the leader here!"

Penetarox: "I'm not telling you what to do, boss! I'm just giving you advi-"

Leader: "GET OUT!!! OUT!!!"

With one final blow to the table, it collapsed completely and everything on it fell down.

Leader: "GAHHH!!!"

The Penetarox soldier thought it was best to leave his boss's office and left without saying a word.

Leader: "If you useless, worthless, so-called "trained soldiers" can't kill a single human, then I will do it myself!!!! I will not accept defeat before a real fight!!!"

The Penetarox leader angrily stomped out of his office and headed for the nearest elevator.

Leader: "Time to get my super weapon!"

Meanwhile, Blake climbed up a shaft. He thought it was best, since now many Penetaroxes would use the elevator to look for him down there. Even though he had activated his magnetic boots, it wasn't easy. The shaft was thight and it was getting warmer by the minute. He could feel the heat wave from the reactor core from up there. Blake had to hurry because he only had four hours left. He climbed a few more minutes until he hit his head when he reached the end of the vent.

Blake: "Ouch!"

Penetarox 1: "Did you hear that!?"

Blake: "Uh-oh..."

Blake spotted two Penetarox soldiers securing a sealed door through the vent cover.

Penetarox 2: "Nah! Are you afraid of him, wimp?"

Penetarox 1: "Of who? Of the human intruder!?"

Penetarox 2: "Yes! Who else do I mean!?"

Penetarox 1: "Seriously, that guy doesn't scare me at all! I'd say he's very lucky to have managed to break in! As soon as he shows up, we'll end his pathetic life and be rewarded for it!"

Penetarox 2: "He he heee! You're right brother! Ha ha ha ha!"

Blake looked after them in annoyance and whispered to himself.

Blake: "So, luck has brought me this far? Well, let's test how lucky I really am."

Just as Blake was about to break through the cover of the ventilation shaft, more Penetarox soldiers ran up to the other two and panicked. Blake thought it best to keep watching them.

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