Chapter fifteen: Change of plans

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This was one of Blake's most miserable days. Krystal avoided him all day while he tried to tell her that she had completely misunderstood him. After a few tries, he gave up and went back to his dorm room, where he spent the rest of the day thinking about Krystal. He flopped down on his bed and stared at the ceiling.

Blake: "She probably told her parents and Chris about this damn experiment! Now they'll all hate me..."

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Blake: "I've come this far.... Just one more step and the galaxy will be saved.... And this is how she repays me..."

Blake clapped his hands twice and the lights went out. He decided it was best to sleep now, for tomorrow would be a very big day. The day he would finally put an end to the existence of this penetarox.

The night was just as bad as the day. He hoped that Krystal would come back to him to listen and hug him tightly throughout the night. But none of that happened.

Blake: "Why do I even care about her anyway!? I'm a man made for war! I don't have time for this lovey-dovey shit! I have a job to do, and that's to win a war! I don't need her! She was useless and she will be useless!"

His red eyes glowed in the pitch darkness. Suddenly Blake felt a cold draft and shivered a little. Now he wished he could feel her soft and warm fur again. Blake was not in the mood to sleep. He wasn't even tired. He clapped his hands twice and the light came back on.

Blake: "Seems like everyone is against me. Fine by me. I don't need their help! I'll finish this job all by myself! Everyone should be asleep right now. Perfect time to sneak away."

He quietly left his dorm room and went directly to the main control office. In the main control office, he checked the Xeviour-21's data, and it was already fully prepared. He sent the coordinates of the planet Penetarox to the TXA-1.0 and activated it.

AI intercom: "Warning! Preparing the TXA-1.0 now!"

Blake: "Shit! That was loud! I hope I didn't wake anyone up."

Blake feared that Chris would wake up at any moment, so he decided not to waste any more time and hurried to the ship's hangar. Waiting in the ship's hangar was his true friend, the Xeviour-21, shining more than ever. Blake's eyes flashed orange briefly and the cockpit of his fighter opened. He jumped in and activated his ship's system. The cockpit closed and Chellie greeted Blake.

Chellie: "Hello Blakey! Um, what are you doing up so late? Shouldn't you be in bed?"

Blake: "Send us to TXA-1.0 right away! I have an important mission to accomplish!"

Chellie: "Isn't Chris supposed to do that?"

AI intercom: "Warning! The TXA-1.0 is primed and ready to open the portal!"

Blake: "Chellie, send us down to the TXA-1.0 now before Chris wakes up and closes the portal!!!"

Chellie: "I'm already on it! Be patient!"

The platform under the Xeviour-21 moved down through a downward tunnel.

Chellie: "Could you explain what you're up to?"

Blake: "Last mission!"

Chellie: "What do you mean last mission!? Where are you going?"

Blake: "I'm going to fly straight to the planet Penetarox and destroy it forever!"

Chellie: "Are you crazy!? How are you going to do that all by yourself!?"

Blake: "Don't worry, I have my ways..."

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