Chapter eight: New plans

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AI intercom: "Warning! The portal storm is disapearing! Defense system deactivated!"

Chris: "Oh, thank God those damn Penetaroxes are retreating!"

AI intercom: "Warning! The Xeviour-21 has entered the facility!"

Chris: "Oh. Blake's back! I should go check on him."

Chris headed for the elevator. Meanwhile, Blake arrived at the ship's hangar. He deactivated his ship's system, jumped out of the cockpit, and leaned back against his ship.

Blake: "Man, I'm tired as hell!"

The elevator doors opened and Chris walked toward Blake.

Blake: "Sup!"

Chris: "Glad you were able to fight them off."

Blake: "Eh. It was just like always."

Chris: "Yeah, sure. The look on the Xeviour-21 tells me otherwise."

Chris was right. The Xeviour-21 looked terrible. Instead of four wings, it had only three. There were scratches, dents and burn marks everywhere.

Chris: "Yeah... I wanted to show you some more valuable information on the USB stick since we were interrupted."

Blake: "Yeah. Hopefully it's really important information this time! Last time we fought those fuckers in the war, we tried to spy on their plans just to find some badly made Penetarox porn!"

Chris: "Hahahaha!!! Still, you have to admit it was funny too!"

Blake: "Yeah, whatever. Let's go now."

Blake and Chris entered the elevator and headed back to the main control room. Chris went to the computer where they were interrupted.

Chris: "Blake come here."

Blake walked up to Chris and stared at the hologram screen, frowning.

Chris: "We stopped at one of the Penetaroxes' plans. These Penetaroxes have recently found a planet on the edge of the Milky Way called Gil-23. This planet contains something very valuable. I couldn't figure out what it is exactly, but it's supposed to have an unlimited energy source."

Blake: "Holy crap! If they get this before we do, then-"

Chris: "Then we're all doomed.... But that's not all! These Penetaroxes are dying trying to find this something! There are millions of them dying on this planet. I guess there is something defending this unlimited power source or something! So be careful when you arrive here! And I would recommend that you land your Xeviour-21 on Gil-23 and continue on foot."

Blake: "Are you kidding me!? That's bullshit!"

Chris: "Blake, think about it! If millions of Penetarox soldiers are dying here, there's probably more than five million of them fighting. This is a war zone! If they see the Xeviour-21 then they will all target you! You have to go on foot unnoticed!"

Blake: "Damn it..."

Chris: "Take enough water to drink, too, because this planet is mostly desert and it's hot there!"

Blake: "Sure. But I think I'm going to get some sleep. I'm tired as hell."

Chris: "Take a break, Blake. You've really earned it. I'm going to fix your Xeviour-21 and juice it up so it'll be ready to fly and fight tomorrow."

Blake: "Thanks. Good night Chris."

Blake walked to the elevator and pressed the call button.

Chris: "Oh, and make sure you don't make her moan too loud!"

Blake turned his head in Chris' direction and gave him a death stare.

Blake: "What did you say?"

Chris: "What?"

Blake: "What?"

A ding sounded as the elevator arrived and the doors opened. Blake went inside and pressed the button for the floor of the dormitory. Ten seconds later, the elevator arrived at its destination. The elevator doors opened and Blake stepped out. He walked down the hallway until he stopped in front of his dorm room. He scanned his thumb on the wall scanner and the heavy metal door opened with a hiss. Blake stepped inside and the door closed.

Blake: "Krystal I'm back!"

There was no reply. Blake searched for her in his dorm room. He found her asleep on his bed, curled up, hugging her tail. She was crying and shaking in her sleep. She was having another nightmare. She dreamed of her family and friends being killed in front of her by these Penetaroxes.

Blake: "Hey... Are you okay?"

Blake shook her by the shoulder and she jumped awake, panting heavily. She looked Blake in the eye and suddenly felt happy again. She grabbed his hand and pulled him to her on the bed.

Blake: "Ey ey what are you doing!!? Get off me!"

Blake was pulled into a tight hug. Her fur felt so warm and fluffy, but it also smelled.

Blake: "You smell like horse shit! Come on, I'll show you where you can clean yourself up."

She released her grip on him and got up from the bed. Blake entered the bathroom connected to his dorm room and Krystal followed him.

Blake: "Alright, there's a bathtub here. There are four buttons on the wall. The first button is for a bath. It fills the bathtub with water and you can lay in it and relax. The second button is for a shower. That means the water comes from the top. The last two buttons allow you to set the temperature of the water. Blue is for cold and red is for warm. When you're done cleaning, you can take a towel from this cabinet and dry yourself off. I will go to sleep now. I have an important mission to accomplish tomorrow."

After Blake left the bathroom, Krystal pressed the button for a bath. As the bathtub filled with warm water, she began to undress. She then got into the tub and lay down. It was one of the most relaxing things for her.

After Krystal was done cleaning herself, she got out of the tub, grabbed a towel and dried herself off. It took a little longer because fur is harder to dry than skin. She put her bra and loincloth back on and left the bathroom.

Krystal walked over to Blake's bed and stared at him. She didn't want to sleep alone on the floor with nightmares.

Krystal: "Blake, HojU Io AxiO hUlio kilO?"

Blake replied with a sleepy tone.

Blake: "What's wrong now?"

He felt something come onto his bed and under the covers. Blake opened his eyes and saw Krystal lying next to him smiling.

Blake: "Fine, you can sleep with me. Just promise me you won't wet my bed."

Blake closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep. Krystal hugged him and fell asleep as well.

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