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"There, look!"

I heard a voice, but it wasn't Armins. I shot my head towards the person, seeing a herd of humans. I started panicking and backing away from them. I was ready to sprint when Armin spoke words of calming into my ear, telling me to stay put. He zipped away and called out to them.

They landed and grouped up, hugging and ruffling each other's hair before turning to me. I cover my nape, but do as the blue eyed one told me to. When some of the group got ready to launch at me, armin was quick to interject 

"Wait! Don't Hurt Them!"

"Armin, what are you talking about? That thing is a titan!"

"Have you lost your mind!"

"That thing is massive!"

The crowd held still, but mermers erupted towards the blonde one.

"Please, I know it's weird, but they don't want to hurt us. We've been together all day, and I'm still in one piece, see?"

He gestures to himself. A few are still staring daggers into me, but the whispers have died down. We seem to be at a standstill before a black haired girl with a red scarf speaks up.

"Armin, we came out here to find you. We have to go back and report this to our superiors. They won't believe you were just lost for almost 5 hours."

"Please Mikasa, you know what would happen if Hanji or Levi found out about them. They haven't done anything wrong. We have to think of something."

There was more grumbling from the others. None of them dared to look away from me for too long. Honestly my heart has been racing for what feels like forever. My chest feels tight and it's hard to think straight. I try to stay calm, but the uncertainty of the situation makes everything worse. What would they do if those two found me? What if these humans hurt Armin because he was protecting me?

"Hey, are you alright?"

I look up to see Armin has taken a few paces towards me and has a worried look on his face.

"You… You look like you're panicking."

I try to cover my face and slow my breathing, but the embarrassment makes me want to cry. I flop down and hug my knees, using all of my willpower to not become a sobbing mess. I'm absolutely terrified and I honestly can't handle it. I hear soft shuffling near my face. I shoot my eyes open to see a pair of blue orbs looking back at me. He's shaking a bit, and looks scared, but he continues to come closer.

"Hey. Hey, it's okay. You're going to be okay."

He gently pets the bridge of my nose, slowly losing the fear present moments before. I can't hold it in anymore, the warmth from his hand coaxing the tears out of me.

"Yeah, that's it. It's okay. Let it all out. I'm here, and you're safe. Shhhhh it's all going to be okay."

I don't know how long i layed there, but Armin never left me. When I fully recovered, He gave me a soft smile before turning back and heading to the others. I know I'm not in my right mind yet, but they seem less murderous than before. They chatted for a bit longer before most of them took off. Armin and Mikasa stayed behind for a bit to tell me something.

"There's an expectation early in the morning tomorrow. At around dawn if I'm not mistaken. If it's okay with you, I could try and find you again."

"Armin and I can't promise anything, but if you're as nice as he's painting you out to be, then I wouldn't mind having a chat with you as well."

I smiled as big as I could, nodding my head vigorously. They smiled back and followed their other friends.

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