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“This definitely will complicate things.”

“Right? If it wasn’t for that titan freak, we would have been able to breach the second wall no problem! Now what are we going to do?”

“We’ll figure something out. We just need to stop them from doing anything on the mission”

“...” One pair of eyes gazed away from the group to the now sleeping monster that lay dormant. It’s chest rose and fell softly. The blond woman kept watching as her face turned from disgust to shock. 

“Annie? What’s wrong?”

“... We make a move tomorrow” she never moved her gaze, but her face reverted back to its usual emotionless neutral. No matter what this thing actually was, it was going to die tomorrow. Every single one of these demons will.


The day started Waaaaaay too early. The sun was barely even in the sky when I could hear someone yelling at me to get up. I was still numb though my whole body, so I couldn't get up even if I wanted to. I grumbled as loud as I could in an attempt to make whoever was yelling to go away and let me sleep.

I thought it worked, because it was quiet for a few minutes. A sword being thrusted into my eyelid said otherwise. I shot open the other eye and stared at the short human standing on me, levi. A groan escaped me when he dug his blade deeper into my socket, causing some blood to squirt out. My lack of movement seemed to only make him more upset, as he furrowed his eyebrows and pushed harder.

"Four eyes has been too lenient on you, freak. If I had this "project" under my control, you would at least be tied and nailed down. Not saying I would want you alive in the first place. This mission is being led by me, making me your boss."

He twisted the sword and poked around. "So when I tell you to 'get up', you Get. Up." He pulled his sword out and pointed it at my good eye, his face going back to his cold and intimidating neutral. "Do you understand, freak?"

I nod my head to the best of my ability

He clicked his tongue in annoyance before hopping off. I did my best to move, and with some real willpower, I made it into a sitting position. The rest of the morning was Levi and his squad treating me about as well as you would expect. I guess I had made the mistake of expecting people like Armin to be the norm.

I understand it. I am a titan after all. I'm amazed that more people haven't been like this yet, to be honest.

Both lLevi and Hanji's squads got together and restated the plan before moving out. If things go bad, this is a scouting mission for a later attempt. If things go well however, this could be a great victory for human kind. I wasn't really interested at the moment, because a lot of the scouts behind me have been taking advantage of my situation and throwing stuff at me.

My situation being tied up and put on a cart… again. Only this time, the group of humans around me were no longer afraid. This means that they could stab me, insult me, and throw things at me all they want without their fight or flight instincts interfering. If Armin was here, he must have been up at the front. I looked around until I saw Rainer… wait… RAINER!

I adjusted a bit to try and get his attention, but he seems preoccupied talking to a taller human. Everyone else noticed however, and it became a lot quieter than it was 3 seconds ago. Reiner took notice of this, and finally looked at me.

I waved with a smile at him, pushing against the net on me

He smirked and went to wave, but his friend stopped him with a stern look. Reiner sighed and put his gaze in front of him, making me feel alone again. The others took this as an opportunity to go back to messing with me, and I honestly didn't care anymore. I just put my eyes to the ground and tried to wait it out.

I didn't have to wait long, because we were already there. The sound of heavy footsteps could be heard on the other side of the gate we pulled in front of, not hiding what was on the other side. The humans were split into groups, where half of them zipped up the wall while the others opened the gate and cut me out of the net. I did a little stretching before crawling through.

When I stood and looked at the state of everything, my stomach didn't feel too good. I just really don't like this place after what I did here. Luckily, I wasn't alone with that thought for long, because my favorite blond head of hair landed on my shoulder. With a big smile, I do my best to hug him with my hand and neck before moving forward.

I don't know why, but i have a bad feeling about all of this.

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