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A common enemy, not so common anymore.

The district that we had fought in has finally been cleared out. My way of learning this was a rabbid "scientist" jumping and pulling and rolling around me. Screaming things about new tests that can happen with the new titans and some mildly threatening test ideas. I decided to put a stop to their manic state when suggestions of using live cadets as witnesses to what happened inside a titans stomach was announced.

It's as easy as picking them up by the collar, and setting them on my nose. Hanji just starts vibrating and turns red when I do this. Much more preferable than listening to unique kinds of torture I can go through.

However, that was a week ago. A little after Yeager had been put on trial. The rest was a blur. I remember constant pain from being "trimmed" by the guard. Removal of my limbs using big blades that drop from high up. I overheard that this was so I could be moved safely. I personally think it's just what the military police wanted, because they have it out for me.

After I was taken to the trost district, a cage much larger than needed was built around me using tarp and fences. The size of said cage became more understandable when two other titans were locked up to the left of my head.

I can sort of understand why Hanji freaks out about them now that I'm at eye level. They are just so small! Mabey not as cute as humans, but that's a high bar to vault. Said Hanji is here now, looking at me with sadness.

The bad news from all of these events is that my bindings did not make the humans with rose insignias feel safe. Thus… nails. Painful nails that pin me in uncomfortable leaning positions. And on top of that, said police are now stationed around me.

It's the first day of testing, and after finding some interesting things about the newly named cell mates, Sonny and Bean, I am now pleading in every way I can for them to take the nails out. Puppy eyes, light pulling, I even tried spelling something before being reminded that my fingers were locked in place.

So much for being the "Amazing new addition" to the scouts.

"Well Jayden, this definitely brings back memories! That's a positive, right?"

I shake my head vigorously, not even caring about the evil people around. I hate this pain!

"Jayden, please calm down. You're going to draw atten-"

"Squad leader Zoe, keep your… pet in line."

Cold eyes. Blond hair is sort of common at this point, but I would recognize such a look. Dull blue, almost to the point of being grey, stared at me. She was so familiar, It made me stop thrashing just to put more thought into where I recognize it all.

"It's fine Ms. Lockhart, see? They already stopped!" Hanji had a rare look of worry to match their frantic dismissal.

She gazed my way again, and the image of that night flashed through my mind. A human with a hood stared me down. The flash of silver swords, the whirring of pressurized air.

What once was a cadet, now a member of the military police.

I should be panicking. Ripping the nails from the ground and pulling Zoe to safety. Run, fight, something other then what I found myself doing under the angered sight of a murderer.

I didn't do anything but smile.

A now bewildered and frozen Annie stood staring at me. A human with a lot in common with me. We both have the ability to kill, and have probably done it before. We both have done things we regret. The only difference would be what we are. That, and our progress in getting better as people.

She may have yet to realize or accept her actions, but I don't think she is as bad of a person as I thought she was. We all make mistakes, and learning from them is how we grow. I want to help and be a friend like I am to others.

I have been a silent therapist for a lot of people at this point. I'm sure that when Ms. Lockhart has someone to open up to, things will be a lot better between us. This could very much get me killed, and I'm definitely not looking forward to that.

I would rather be killed than take the life of another, even if that person has attempted to take my life already. Armin would be so proud of me!

The sun droops from the sky, tired of shedding so much light onto the world. The orange sky, showing my surroundings in a new, softer aura. One of those things being a group of very tired humans.

Throughout the day, I have done my best to not let the metal stakes embedded in me stop my plan. The 'plan' is very simple. Annie likes to glare at the titans instead of conversing with the others, keeping an eye on what any sane person would consider the closest threat. So, every time she gives me a fair share of staring, I give my all in looking as friendly as possible. A big smile, (that I pray doesn't look deformed or creepy) upright posture, and 100% of my attention.

It started with bewilderment like before, but quickly changed to scoffs and quickly looking away. From there, it was more like stealing glances rather than gazing. Perfect! Now for stage two. I carefully detach my right hand from the ground, and write something not weird or threatening. I had to do it fast so I didn't get seen 'trying to escape.'


Such idiots, standing around chatting while right next to what probably killed their family and friends. No wonder we were sent to wipe them out, they are practically doing it themselves.

I'll have to make a move tonight. Having this post makes things a lot easier. Stop the 'scientist' from learning anything that might help them later on.

… What the hell? That thing is smiling at me again. There's something written next to it?

'Hi Anna. We cqn bee frinds?'

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2022 ⏰

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