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Other than Hanji frothing at the mouth, the day passed within a blink of an eye. When the sun fully lowered behind the horizon, we started moving through the ruins of what used to be a city. It was a long trek, but we entered the second wall. I felt absolutely exhausted, so I just closed my eyes and let sleep take me.

My eyes shot open as my limbs burned like crazy. I tried to move, but nothing bugged.

"Oh, you're finally awake!"

Right in front of me, Hanji stood with a clipboard. There were humans scattered about what seemed to be makeshift walls, staying as far away from me as possible. Everyone other than Hanji.

"I can't believe it, my first titan test subject! Now, we have some basic tests to go through Jayden. We're going to test functions like sight and hearing. Please follow me with your eyes."

They walked back and forth several times, first while talking then while staying silent. I was tested for my hearing, then communication.

"You're responding very well to the tests, how does that make you feel?"

I shrug. Trying again to wiggle my arms free.

"Alright. And how do you feel about the restraints?"

I shake my head vigorously. The pain hasn't dissipated yet, and it's really getting on my nerves.

"I see. Well, we can't just let you go sweetie. You're the first titan we have ever captured, and such an amazing specimen at that. Anyway, I'm guessing you can't speak?"

I open my mouth, but all that comes out is a grunt. I slowly shake my head.

"No, but you can make noise. There's so many tests we can do with this! Different volumes and notes. Do you think you could still make noise without a throat!?"

I do my best to distance myself from a now drooling crazy person. They just laugh before calming themselves down.

"No, patient Hanji. We don't want to do anything drastic before we even start. After all, I haven't even reported this to Levi or Erwin yet. If I kill them before I do that, can I really call it a success?"

I really don't like what is being said. I put everything into getting my arms off the ground and these nails out of my skin.

"Hey! No! Stop that Jayden! If you keep doing that, I'll have to hurt you, and that would just break my heart!"

"Squad leader Hanji, Erwin wishes to speak with you."

A girl with long blonde hair came into the camp. They sounded very monotone and looked bored. We made eye contact for an uncontrollable amount of time before she scoffed and left

"Well, that's my queue. I'll see you later my lovely~"

They put the clipboard onto a nearby box and walked away. What felt like hours passed as I was stuck in place. There were guards all around me, so trying to free myself wouldn't be good for me long term. A good thing was that I think I was getting more used to the pain. I have to take any victory I can get. 

"I think Jayden's over here."

"You mean the titan?"

"Come on Erin, just give them a chance."

I heard a passing conversation as three people entered the camp.

"Hey, you kids shouldn't be here!"

"Orders from Hanji. We have to continue the experiments and report it. I want to be here as much as you do."

"Very well. Just know it isn't our fault if one of you loses a hand… or a head."

They walked over to me and removed their hoods.


I smile wide and go to get closer, but the sharp stabs in my limbs remind me about what kind of situation I'm still in.

"Hello there. How are you feeling?"

I shrug and try to gesture to my arms. Erin just scoffs.

"You deserve it, you stupid human eater."

"Erin. Not appropriate"

Mikasa tries to grab his shoulder, but he just shrugs her off. 

"Just ignore him. He… had a bad experience with your kind. It's nothing personal."

"Whatever, let's just get this over with."

They did things similar to what Hanji did. Testing my vision with each eye, ability to hear, and even advanced thinking. Numbers and stuff. I didn't fare too well on that one.

"Alright, the last test today is… oh no."

"What is it Armin?"

"Uh, Nothing! We're all done!"

Erin takes the paper out of his hand and reads it over. Armin looked down with a sad expression.

"Tch. We have to test this things pain tolerance."

"Can't we just, i don't know. Make up an answer and leave."

Erin moves over to a pile of metal spears and checks one's weight. As he approaches me, I do everything I can to make distance between me and a very upset looking pair of green eyes.

"Erin, Stop."

"Mikasa, this is our job. Besides, I'm not going to pass up a chance to skewer one of these freaks."

I close my eyes, ready for an impact that never came. I glance over to see a blond head of hair in between me and a scary man with a stick.

"Armin, move."

"... no."

"What was that?"

"I said No! I know that you hate Titans. I know more than most. But this creature is Not a monster. They saved my life! They can think, communicate, and feel. Doesn't that mean anything to you?"

Erin looked shocked. Even Mikasa, who so far hasn't emoted in any way, had wide eyes.

"Please Erin, just put that down and we can leave."

Minutes ticked by. It felt hard to breathe with all of this tension. Finally a metal object fell to the ground and a head of brown hair stomped out of the box we were in. Black hair soon followed.

"Hey, it's okay. I'll do my best to make sure that nothing like… That… happens to you."

He gives me a smile before running towards his friends.

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