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I don't  know how many nights it's been, but I was eventually put under lower tier security. That means being moved to the training fields for the scouts, (I think I was just taking up too much space for refugees.) As well as no more nails. Thank the Walls, I could never get used to that kind of constant pain. Now I'm just tied down by rope. My favorite part of the day is when Armin comes out to train. Even if it's just a wave, I'll count my blessings. 

Being in the field though means that all of the other humans that pass by have an outlet for their hate. I've been woken up by rocks hitting my skull more times than I want to admit. I have guards, but they would rather partake in messing with me then stopping it. I guess their job is just making sure I don't escape, but it's definitely annoying.

"Are you alright Jayden? You haven't been responding to me like you usually do."

I shake my head

"Hmmm. I really have to teach you how to write. Not knowing what is bothering my poor baby just kills me inside."

Writing? I tilt my head

"Oh, it's just a way to put thoughts and ideas onto paper. You could probably do it on the ground. I would love to teach you, but I'm already so swamped with paperwork. These tests are already cutting into my ability to sleep and still do some of the work."

They take off their glasses and close their eyes tightly. 

"I Know! I'll be right back Jayden, don't go anywhere~"

…I hate them sometimes. They have been a lot less murderous. Not any less crazy, just less talk of killing me. Again, small victories. Speaking of, being so low to the ground has given me a new appreciation for grass. Like, just pushing it down and watching it come back up is a weird kind of enjoyable. Not only that, but if you look close enough, there are these small dots that move around on them. Most are black, but I've seen red ones, yellow ones, blue ones, even a white one.

"Hey, freak!"

A rock collided with the hand I was focusing on. I looked up, and a group of humans that were all too familiar wore a variety of anger or smugness. The loudest of the group had a few stones in their arm and one readied to be thrown. I just do my best to ignore them. Cursing, slurs, threats, the usual insults were shouted at me. 

Luckily, they were quick to scurry off when Hanji came back with a group of 4 other people. I only recognized Armin, the others were new. I think they were there when I got captured? I don't remember. 

"These fine cadets will be your new teachers. We have Reiner, Krista, Jean, and Armin. They have agreed to taking turns helping you during their break time. I'll let you all decide what order you help Jayden. I have things to do. Goodbye dear~"

Hanji stroked my cheeks before bouncing away. Reiner and Jean were staring holes into my face while Armin and Krista got to work on a schedule. Armin would go first, followed by Reiner, then Krista, then Jean. Jean didn't seem very happy to be doing this at all.

After that, they all headed back to where they came. Starting tomorrow, it would be like I would have visitors every day! This is starting to become a not so bad situation. Sure, I can't move much, but it feels like things are on the up and up. I feel giddy all over again. I don't know if things will stay this way, or if this is any better  than the life I gave up to be here, but I do know that it's definitely better than a few weeks ago, so I can't complain.

Until tomorrow, it's back to watching grass. There's even a few red dots today!

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