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I quickly rolled around and hid myself as best as I could in the foliage. A cloaked figure was examining the broken metal and rope that once caged me. They were stiff, and had their blades out. Even if they are blonde, I don't think it's Armin or Krista. Their stature is a bit too confident.

They seemed to know the area I was in, not like I had many other places to hide. If i was lucky, they might just leave, or maybe go past me thinking that i ran. I couldn't do anything to help this choice. They seemed unreadable about what they were thinking, but it was obvious they weren't going to give in.

Then our eyes met. They obviously saw me, because we were both frozen like this for too long for comfort. Some light shuffling of feet and adjustments with the blades broke the tension, but not enough to spook me. If they weren't going to make a move, I'm not going to give them the chance. Keeping eye contact and readying to stand, we both seemed to be trying to be ready for anything.

It happened so quickly. The hiss of compressed air, friction of rope, it was like a blur. I kept my hand over my nape and guessed as best as I could where they would be in the next second. I leaned away and ducked, readying to spring into a sprint. Two lines of seething pain washed over my fingers as I jumped back and ran as fast as I could. My hand no longer had its fingers, meaning that I was skimming with death by human blade's. 

Even with me speeding away, I heard them quickly approaching behind me. I don't know what I did, but this person Really wants me dead. A hook latched onto my right leg. I tried to turn quickly to throw them, but my ankle twisted and made a vicious snap. I tumbled forward back into the clearing I had looped around before.

I didn't bother covering my nape as the human lands close to my face. Their hood was down, and it was a face I had seen before. I only barely recognize them because of how they look when focusing on me

Disgust. Like I was a maggot climbing their coat. Or more like the situation, an injured racoon gazing hopelessly at a hungry wolf. They didn't waste time chopping into my eyes, nose, and jaw. I yell in pain as it dwindles into gurgling breaths.


Rushed footsteps follow 3DM gear for a bit before slowing in front of me. I can't tell who it is, but I honestly can't be thankful enough. My jaw reforms first, then my nose and eyes. It's blurry, but I can see a head of black hair.

I'm thankful and all, but this shorter human looks like he's going to drop a tree on me. I'm already shaken up, so such a cold voice of malice made tears fall from my eyes.

"... Such a waste of time" venom spilled from his mouth "You're lucky four eyes needs you for their crazy experiment's." He points at the metal and rope that used to be my cage

I look down and try to hide my face from what might as well be flaming rays coming from his eyes. I don't know what he wants, but I better do something.

I try to get up, but panic flashes on his face for the briefest moment. It was replaced by rage soon after.

"Did I tell you to move brat! You'll stay there until I tell you to move, you freak!"

And there I stayed until my body gave out from lack of sunlight. The human left long ago, but I was way too scared to test it.

I don't think I'm going to like tomorrow.

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