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"So when spelling it, you want to make sure that the letters aren't touching. The letters in Cat look like this."

Looking at the book Krista was showing me, I slowly dug a few lines in the dirt that somewhat matched. It was really bad. not nearly as straight as the example was, and they all were different sizes. Krista didn't seem to mind though. With a smile, she put the book aside.

"That was amazing, Jayden. Most people have to spend months to develop an understanding on this, but it's been only 3 days for you."

Really? This seems super hard, but months? I'm sure that I'm missing an important detail. I smile and shrug my shoulders. As best as I can while on the ground anyways.

After some scribbling on a loose paper, she wedges it parallel to the book cover. Leaving it up enough so what was written stays visible.

"Try this one next."

J. A. Y. D. E. N.

What does the y sound like again? If the first part makes a j sound then why eve- wait a minute.

I look at Krista and point at myself while tilting my head.

"That's you. You spelled your name!"

… That's actually really cool. I spell it again, but this time starting with the end and stopping at the beginning.


I laugh a little to myself before mixing the letters around again. I only had so much space to work with, so evening out the soil every few words was a must. Krista said something about leaving, so I waved and kept at my own scribbles. Before I knew it, the sun was setting on another day.

I tried to stretch, but the groaning of metal and creaking of rope reminded me that I couldn't. I huffed a cloud of white steam as I rolled one of the webs that trapped me here in my fingers. It wasn't always this annoying to sit still. not even getting to extend my legs, or just roll over, made me upset.

… they wouldn't mind if I broke out, right? It's not like I'm going to leave or anything. Just being able to sit upright would make me feel better.

I wiggled a bit and the restraints protested. It wasn't very strong, maybe I could just push myself up? I readied my hands and knees before harshly thrusting myself into the air. The metal arches now hung under me. I stumbled to my feet and took a deep breath.

With my legs and arms straight in what felt like years, I shifted my weight back and forth while pulling my arms behind my back. The ground had a person-shaped outline filled with patchy dead grass. It really has been a long time. I guess now would be the best time to go for a walk. I think the place all of the humans go in the morning is a good place to check out.

Rubbing the trees with my hand as I passed them, I wandered aimlessly around a place I could only watch before. A spook from the cutout of a titan, scaring away birds, resting my back on a tree, so many things that I have gained a new appreciation for. I fill my lungs with air while laying on my back.

The moon is so beautiful.

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