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Armin quickly hid the book he was reading to me and replaced it with a clipboard. Sure enough, two humans with rose insignias came out of the building near us and glared daggers into me. Armin was quick to act, snapping his fingers near my right ear, then my left. I acted as primal as I could while he "wrote down" the results.

This has been going on for a while now. Ever since the existence of Titan Shifters came to light, I have been under strict supervision. Technically, it's the military police that want to watch me. But as Jean said when it was his turn to visit me, "those cowards wouldn't ever come close to a titan, even if it was sentient."

Speaking of, something has changed with the group helping me learn stuff. Jean has actually arrived when he was supposed to. He still makes fun of me, but he also protected me several times from other people bullying me. It was very strange, but I'm glad he doesn't hate me anymore.

Rainer has only showed up two or three times, and each time has been… strange. He would walk really slow, almost sneaking to me. His eyes were all over the place. When he made it to me, he wouldn't go more then 30 seconds without scanning the verceinity around us. The conversation was strange too.

"Hey Jayden, how are you today?"

I stick a thumb up. He seems to be sweating.

"Listen. Things are going to change soon. Very soon. I need you to try and stay out of it as much as you can."

I tilt my head. Is he reading my future? Armin told me that someone can do that in his books. He rubs his eyes with a groan.

"I can't believe I'm even telling you this. Bertolt doesn't even care, and Annie almost seems… afraid of you." Most of it was muffled, like he was talking to himself. "Just watch your back. I feel like you could help and hurt everyone."

Without a moment to think, his head jurks behind him, before he scampers off. So strange. Maybe he is talking about that day when the wall got fixed? It's so vague.

Armin and Krista have been around just as much as before. Ymir is with Krista a lot more too. They have all been very nice so far. Well, Ymir gets protective of her friend, but that's understandable.

"Okay, they went back inside." Armin stated, pulling the book back out and getting comfortable leaning on me.

I nudge him a bit so i can see the book better.

This has been Armin's way of teaching me english. He would read the book and point to what line we were on, and i would follow along. It's really nice, and it has helped a lot more in understanding how words interact. So for a few hours, we would switch between reading and pretending to test until the sun set.

"Thank you for your work today armin! We know Jayden is worth all the trouble!" Hanji said this a little louder then usual. It must have worked, because the guards rolled their eyes and left. "You have been doing so well Arlert. I know this isn't easy for any of us."

"It's alright. I'm glad we found a way to teach them without putting them in danger."

"Oh, isn't it amazing? I can't believe this was Levi's idea! I always knew he was a softy."

Oh, also the added benefit of getting to be a bed. Armin, Ymir and Krista, even Jean would sleep with me at night. It started after Armin accident fell asleep on me. I didn't want to wake him, so I just tried to hide him as best as I could. It turns out, nobody actually comes out at night.

Armin's favorite spot is right between my neck and jaw, with his head on my shoulder. Krista and Ymir cuddle together on my back, using the blanket they sat on to cover themselves. And Jean really likes my head. He uses my hair to tie himself down and keep himself warm. Hanji comes out whenever, but mostly when they have dark circles around their overly red eyes. They just crawl under my hand and sleep there

One time, all of them were sleeping on me all at once. Jean denied it all the way until he drifted off.

I am glad my warmth is being used for something good. I just wish that Rainer would be around more.

"Goodnight Jayden."

I wrote in the ground something I learned, before whipping it away and letting myself go comatose.

'Goodnight Arnim'

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