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"We need to move that way, the hole is near that area. Once we get there, I'll be leaving to help clear the area." Armin was telling me the plan while I tried my best to hide us behind buildings. "Jayden, I don't know if you're comfortable with it, but you might need to… deal with some titans."

I look at him for a moment, then nod my head. I don't know how I'll feel about it, but keeping humans alive is top priority. 

The rest of the trip was brainstorming how to fix the wall. That and being super sneaky. I'm not too worried about being found, but a human on my shoulder is the only thing telling me where to go. Most of the titans near us are rather small, so even when they spot us, I can just trip them and keep moving. 

The closer I get to the wall, the more that bad feeling seems to grow in me. I don't know what it is exactly, but I know I'm afraid of losing control. Maybe I'm just overthinking all of this. My brain power needs to be spent on better things. Maybe I could move a bunch of rubble in the way? I'm sure I could make a mold with it.

"I have to go check up on the others. Try and help people near here, okay?"

I quickly looked up to see the large hole that started all of this. Armin didn't wait for me to answer, so I just did my best to help others nearby. I looked around the best I could to find people. I saw some dots in the air zipping around and titans running about.

My eyes fell on a larger figure going from a dead sprint to a dead stop. Seeing them gaze down at their hand told me enough, and I ran as fast as I could to get to them. I came close to find Jean grunting and struggling inside a very tight grasp.

Without thinking, I threw my fist at the titans head as hard as I could. There were two very loud sounds that hit my ears, as well as a really sharp pain in my hand. I looked to see a caved in face that had blood and teeth flowing out of it, as well as my hand looking like it had jelly for bones. I do my best to ignore my pain as I grab up Jean and dive behind a building. After checking that we weren't followed and the titan I hit was still down, I opened my hand to see a scared, but still intact human. With a sigh of relief, I can't help but smile at them.

"Jayden? Why… who are you?"

I tilted my head in confusion before just smiling and scratching the back of my head. OH, I know what to say! I quickly set them down on the ground before digging letters onto the cobble alley we were in.


I don't know if it's spelled right, but I hope they get the message. I think they did, because their face turned red and muttered a thanks before zipping off. 

I watch them go to see two people on the roof over us. It was Rainer, and the human they were talking to earlier. The latter had a shocked expression while Rainer looked… sad. I don't know why, but I still smile my brightest at them.

"Taking a break, I see."

Another blond landed on the roof next to them, seemingly much older.

"Look, we need all of the scouts we can get. I got sent here because things were getting hairy. I need you two at th-"

The world seemed to darken for a moment as yellow lightning struck somewhere nearby. The sound and light threw off my senses, but I had the image already ingrained in my mind. I quickly stand to see an abnormal titan. It had long, pointed ears with hollow cheeks and dotted eyes. It was a terrifying sight.

I didn't know what happened next, however, because something sliced into my eyes and cut off my feet. I heard yelling near me, and what sounded like an argument near my head. Through the pain, I heard what sounded like an upset female and a desperate male, as well as a softer male interjecting once or twice. I felt more cuts in my eyes and something standing on my neck. Now fearing for my life, I cover my nape with both hands. I was about to swat at them when I heard a massive thud right next to me. They weren't there when my eyes and feet healed, so I took the chance to stand and help fight the new titan.

But, nobody else was attacking it, and it stood where the hole was.

Wait… the hole was fixed shut with a boulder.

Today has to be the most intense day I have ever experienced, so when I fell unconscious, I felt like it was justified.

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