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"Hey Cam?"


"What do you think of the stars?"

"They're shy." He replies almost instantly, like he already had the answer for years. "They're shy of people so they hide around cities and lights and noise. They prefer the country, lying above whispering fields and squatted houses."

"How poetic."

"I know, right?"

"How old are you?"

"I'll be twenty in a few weeks."

"But your nineteen now."

"Of course."

"And you acted so much older than me but we're both teenagers"

"... I can vote."


"What can I say? It was easy."

"Whatever. Bet you charm all the ladies with your poetic star narratives."

"Oh yeah. It distracts them from the fact I'm emotionally unavailable."

"Ah. Same here."

"At least we found each other."
@feonuh is cool so follow her or something.

Comment please. Then vote, that'd be nice

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