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[seventeen months later]

"You know, you could've just moved in with me. More space. Closer to your mom. Me."

"Scholarship, Cam."



"It'd be free, Katherine."

"Then I'd feel like a freeloader."

"I wouldn't let you."

He wraps his arms around me, resting his chin on the top of my head. His long, warm arms encircling me completely. I press my face into the depression below his clavicle, breathing in his Cam-scent mixed with the clinical cleaning-product-and-detergent-scent of my dorm room.

"So, what do you think?"

"This is really cool."

"It is." I hear his smile, and someone knocks on the door.

"Guys, my roommate is fat and smells like Cheetos." Gabriel whines, who decided to follow in his brother's footsteps, minus the major. "Can we go get pizza now?


"Hey, Kat." Sierra strolls into our dorm room and drops her bag on the bed with her usual air of exhausted excitement. She collapses grandly into her desk chair, and spins to face us. "Oh, you must be the boyfriend."

"Indeed I am." Cam has his adorably amused smile as he answers my roommate. He introduces himself as Cambriel, and I swear we both swoon a little at the caressing way he says it.

"Where do you go to school?" She asks, curiously and seriously. I like her quite a bit, from the short time I spent with her today.

"Here. I'm a fourth year." She arches an eyebrow. She has very blond hair, but very dark eyebrows and a loud personality.

"How long have you guys been together?"

Cam lies beside me on the wall-side of the bed, head propped up by his hand. He looks down at me with a grin. "A year and, what is it? Three months?"

"How did you meet?" She pulls her long, tanned legs up onto the chair and hugs them.

"A balcony." I say.

"And a few... balconial conversations."


after some coercing i am writing a Gabriel spinoff!!! Yay!!!!!!!
look at the next chapter ok that's got the deetz (I've never said or written that i am amused)

Balconial ConversationsWhere stories live. Discover now