interlude \\ 87

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i'm sorry i'm sorry know you commented a bunch but i couldn't write then i wrote this on the bus.

@therapy- i like your comments okay

{I've never written anything remotely like this so if it sucks I'm sarry but whatever}

"Welcome to my not-so-humble abode!" Alex says as he ushers me through his house. It's a small, very modern home. Shiny chrome appliances, big clean windows, multiple sleek, wall-mounted televisions.

I laugh, setting my wallet on the kitchen island. I'm wearing a worn, blue Dal hoodie that Cam possibly forgot at my house, and make sweater paws as he putters around the kitchen getting glasses of water.

"Nice," I tell him with a generous smile. His grin broadens. He wasn't this smiley at school, instead all broody and strange.

"So... where do you want to watch? Couch? Bed?" He wants to watch The Breakfast Club; I haven't told him I already saw it.

"Wherever is fine." It's not like he would do anything...

He leads me to his room (the basement, obviously, where all teenage boys with basements reside) with carpeted sound-proof walls, a giant video game console-place and a humungous bed. He grabs the Mac from the couch and falls onto the bed. I follow warily; I've only really hung out on Cam's bed, and he's different.

"So, anything happen with that guy yet?"

"Uh, not really."

"So you're still single?" He winks and I roll my eyes.

"I guess."


The computer is on the bed between us, and I sit with my knees to my chest while he sprawls on his side. He keeps looking at me, I can see it in my peripheral vision. It's like he's waiting for something.

By the time the movie is finished, and the Netflix logo flashes again, my legs are cramped, as are my arms. I stretch them as he moves the laptop onto the lamp table.

"What did you think?" He asks, propped on his arm. His swishy hair is falling into his eyes, and on impulse, I brush it away. He closes them, lashes butterfly-kissing my hand.

"Okay, I guess."

"You guess? Eighties movies are the bomb dot com."

"You did not just say that." I roll my eyes and he grins, sitting up a little. Wordlessly, he leans closer. Closer. Closer. "Um, Alex"-

He moves his mouth over mine, simultaneously pushing me backwards. Suddenly he's on top of me and he's kissing me and I can't breath. I push my his shoulder but he grins against my lips, silencing my pitiful sound.

((Um can we just like stop here for a second and be like THAT WAS ABRUPT. And also, Sophie sucks at writing scenes where her characters are scared))

"Alex, stop," his hands are up my shirt and warm in the worst way against my stomach. Why is he touching my stomach. His tongue invades my mouth and I bite it. Hard.

He reels back, swiping the blood with the tip of his tongue making it redder. "You bit me."

"Get off," I shove his chest but he just leans closer.

"I'd like to." He laughs to himself. "Come on, Kat. It's not like it's cheating."

"Let me up." A multitude of curses that I don't even keep track of, spill from my lips.

"Why?" He lowers himself further until we're chest to chest and I can feel his breaths. A knot of fear unfurls in the pit of my stomach. "You know you liked it. I can feel it."

"You'll feel my knee to your"-


It might be a terrible idea, but my right arm is free and it's the only idea I have; I bring back my elbow when he's about to kiss me again, and smash it into his perfect nose. He shouts, and jumps. I roll off the bed and go to the closed door. He cups his nose, not quite gushing with blood, and swears. "You're a tease. You're a f"-

And I leave, taking the basement stairs two at a time on shaky legs. I slow long enough in my speed walking to grab my wallet from the kitchen, and run down the clean stone steps. My heart beats frantically, and adrenaline pours through me. I breathe, slowly, through my nose like an elementary school gym teacher taught us.

I just.... did he really?


I start walking before I can breathe properly, jogging a few blocks until I'm on University Avenue with a modicum of safety. I run to the only person I can think of.

like....I suck at any action/fear stuff so pls be nice?

comment something brilliant and i'll give you a shout out, yeah?

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