31 // more introductions

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"Why did I buy so much stuff?" My mother asks, wonderingly, as she stares at the mess of bags on the elevator floor.

"Sales?" I reply, thumbing the 6 button. A canteloup rolls out from one of them and knocks into my sneaker.

"Oh, that." She kneels to put it back, balancing on her high pumps with her long dark hair escaping from the smart bun at the nape of her neck. "How was your day?"

"Good, I guess." The elevator slowly rises and I help her pick up the rest of the bags.

"You guess?"

"How's Mr Albertson?"

"A chore." She replies, bluntly. "He can never find anything in his office, and I spend more time in there than my own desk."

"That sucks."

"I suppose. It pays better than my last job, though. And this apartment as a steal." She glances sidelong at me. "You're not worried, are you?"

"Of course not."

"Good," she strokes my cheek affectionately. "Want to watch a payperview movie tonight?"

Before I can answer, the doors slide open to reveal him.

Cam. He waits beside another boy, wearing a nice well-fitted henley and skinny jeans with a pair of aviators in the neckline. His friend wears a Dalhousie Soccer t-shirt and track pants that he pulls off as if they were designer jeans. They're both tall and lithe with a cocky confidence on the set of their shoulders.

"Hey, Kather." He says before he notices my mother. She raises an eyebrow, and the other boy just looks mildly curious.

"Hi," I say.


"Hi, my name is Cam De Luca." He reaches out a hand for my mother to shake, which she does without lowering the eyebrow. "I met your daughter recently, I hope you like your new apartment."

He elbows the other boy. "Um, Milo. My name is Milo? Never met your daughter."

There's a pause, then I snort. Cam chuckles, then my mom starts laughing, her attractively feminine laugh. Milo blushes.
Lawlz heya.

Read @bouchergirl's book pernicious. She's also MY Anna;)

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